Project 66 valiant "more pics"

Moving right along I see and in great fashion :cheers: looking great :colors:
Been a busy summer getting things done at home and haven't got to work on the car but a little bit.
Today I got the cross member blasted and the inside coated with POR15
Got everything trimmed up and floor pans fitted ready to weld them in now
Also got the rest of MaMopars wonderful undercoating out from inner fender and it striped down and POR15 on all of that here are the pics
I need to put weld through primer on everything before weldingView attachment image.jpg
Ok here is a update: last night I got the front drivers pan welded in it fit pretty good for the most part. Tonight I fixed and patched a couple spots that needed replacing in the rear tomorrow I hope to get the rear pan in and have the drivers side done and get the passenger side cleaned up and get them ready to install
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Finished the drivers side floor pan I sprayed a little epoxy primer on all seams before the seam sealer and will go back with epoxy primer before I put down roll on bed liner I will complete the passenger side next week

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It's going to be great.

So what''s the plan? What exterior and interior colours? What wheels and tyres?
Exterior is going to be a med. turquoise Polly with a lite saddle tan interior,
360 with magnum heads, 8.75 with 323 gear and not sure on wheels and tires
Here is the progress I finished the floor pans and moved on to the quarter panel on the drivers side and I'm just working my way around.
It's been a challenge because some one else had done some quarter work and just messed it all up so trying to find pics to put it back correctly has been hard.
Every time I go to the garage the old car starts singing " Journey's Don't Stop Believin":cheers:
Hope you Enjoy
SeanView attachment image.jpg