Proportion valve before hydraulic safety switch



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2014
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i installed this proportioning valve on by my MC on my 68 Dart (on which i now have disk brakes all around). The new valve is before the factory hydraulic safety switch which is mounted on the frame. I know the proportioning valve is not supposed to be mounted before a "distribution block." Is the hydraulic safety switch considered as a "distribution block" and/or will it cause the same soft pedal problem?
Lol wrong link. Anyway its the fancy SSBC combo proportioning valve which hooks up to both the front a rear brakes.
Safety switch first.
The S-switch requires equal pressure on both sides of the valve to keep the dash-lite off.
If the dash-lite stays off with normal foot pressure, And your S-switch has only that one function, I would leave it alone.It's one and only function is to turn the light on if one side of the system fails. But when it does that, you will already know about the failure, cuz it only lights up after the failure, and with just half the brakes working, surprise, surprise! you will already know all about the failure.

Depending on the rest of your combo; piston sizes and tire sizes, you may not need a P-valve. I have 235s up front, and had 275s out back(currently 295s). With KH 4-pistons on the front, and 10 x 2s out back. I gutted the factory P-valve years ago, so it is now just a distribution block.With the rear now getting 100% pressure; the brakes work very nicely.
Thanks for the advice. Im going to ditch the p valve and try getting buy without it. If i have a problem i am going to add a simple p valve just to the rear line.
If the dash lite stays off, IMO you are doing a lot of work for no good reason. And you really shouldn't remove the Pvalve with at least some preliminary testing.If the rears loc up early, it has been said that the car WILL swap ends. Not might, but WILL.
Personally I have never experienced either early loc-up, nor brake related spin.