Puffs of smoke



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnnati, Ohio
Today when I started my Duster my dad noticed small puffs of white smoke exiting the driver side exhaust. More smoke came out when I revved the engine. But only the driver side. However, he didn't noticed anything when I pulled away from the house in drive. The 318 was rebuilt a couple years ago. Is this a serious problem? The car had only been sitting in the garage for a couple days. Is it just condenstation building up? I will be changing the oil in the next couple weeks. Should I add some sort of additive such as lucas?

Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Keep an eye on it. Try a pressure test on the cooling system
and also go see some one with those testers to see if there is
exhaust gases in the coolant. Local repair shop should have
If nothing comes of it. It was just moisture in the exhaust.
Keep an eye on it. Try a pressure test on the cooling system
and also go see some one with those testers to see if there is
exhaust gases in the coolant. Local repair shop should have
If nothing comes of it. It was just moisture in the exhaust.

I'll keep checking on it. I probably won't be driving it for a week or so. I'll have my dad check the exhaust when I start it again. Hopefully moisture is all it was.

I had a engine do this and the smoke kept getting worse on one side.Ended up a lobe went flat on my cam. Jim