Question about restraining order..plz help.

My sister in law went through a bad divorce and her ex harassed her during the procedings and after including through several times he took her back to court to try and ger custody changed. My advise would be to get a lawyer - ask around as to who people suggest even asking other lawyers. They often hear through their profession who is good and who isn't even if they don't do the same type of law i.e. family law (what you are looking for) as opposed to probate or criminal. Run everything through the lawyer - all communication! Write everything down. As said before, everything you ask for - ask for it on behalf of your child and what is in the child's best interest. I'd even suggest getting Child Support Services (each county can call it something a little different) involved if you get child support awarded because they will keep track of the payments and can hound the other parent to get the money - if they get behind on their payments - and can garnish wages on behalf of your child if needed. Good luck.
Theres a lot of good info here.
If she had a RO already then it looks like you'll need to get a lawyer so I suggest talking to one as soon as you can. Some will spend 10 or so telling you if you need them and will give good advice.
I wish you the best of luck.
My daughter has been taking family law cases and is local to you. I don't know if she would take your case or not, but even if she didn't she can refer you to someone who can. PM me if you want me to contact her for you.
Be carefull. My friend. The POLICE are not there to help you in this situation. Domestic disputes are BIG BUSINESS. They create JOBS. Cops, lawyers, Childrens services, Counsellors, etc. Can you say, JOB CREATION.
these days, texts go a long long way

ooh yes, that way if you show them your phone, just so long as you haven't responded its waaay easier to show how many times they've attempted to contact you.
Don't be so fast to throw your local Policeman under the bus, they risk Their Lives every day doing a thankless job, if you are Honest with Yourself they will see it they are trained to watch Body Language and can spot a fake or a liar from a mile away,there may be a small majority of Policemen that are out to get you but in a case where children are involved if you are Honest to a fault they will be there to give you a hand....This is just my opinion....and i'm stikkin to it
P.S. a Judge is a Master of reading Body Language, don't try to pull the wool over their eyes, tell them the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth so help you God......your Childrens Welfare is in their hands and the Truth alway's comes out in the wash....Every time a situation arises in your life you need to keep that picture of you and your kids in your mind's eye to help you make the right decisions. any advice offered to you is yours for the taking wheather it be good advice or bad advice if you take it , it becomes your decision and you will have nobody to blame in the end so pick the advice you choose wisely with your childrens best interest in mind and it will all work itself out in the end, That I promise you......good luck and God Bless.........Wagg's
Be carefull. My friend. The POLICE are not there to help you in this situation. Domestic disputes are BIG BUSINESS. They create JOBS. Cops, lawyers, Childrens services, Counsellors, etc. Can you say, JOB CREATION.
Be carefull. My friend. The POLICE are not there to help you in this situation.

i disagree with this totally. the cops are always looking for a case and a reason to intervene. with all your ducks in a row they are MORE than happy to assist you especially with a domestic issue. again, i have been there and i have called the police a number of times for the same issue and they WILL assist you if SHE is the one that is instigating.
yessir and as much as i dont care for cops , 99% of them WILL help you if arent the one stirring up the ****
In my dealings with the law, if you are respectful it goes along ways......Now a days for somethings they don't show up, just take a report over the phone. And
truthfully, if you are calling them because your car got stolen it is not like by them appearing your car will just reappear. But for stuff they do show up for, if you are respectful it goes along ways......trouble is, very few people know what that word means anymore......