[Found!] Rallye Rim center caps

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I may have some. Will check on Friday at my storage. How many do u need? Kim
Need all 4 for my rims
hey just wondering what is over priced the rims are available especially for the later large bolt pattern but the centers are not that easy to come by. Is indio close to pomona is So. Ca. They have that swap meet 4 or 5 times a year. It is huge and good prices from most the people. reason I suggest that is having a set myself I'm not sure what they by themselves go for but I do know how long it took to get a set of acorns and the round 70-71 together. I doubt I could replace them for what I paid years ago, which is less then a set of four sells for today.
Im not sure, I just want a decent set for my rims, Pomona is not far but caters to GM and mopar parts are sometimes a needle in a haystack.
Let me see, not sure if I want to sell, but I believe I have 1
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