Random pictures thread

Looks like he might have a safety belt and lanyard on. Industry soon found out that didn't cut it.
He‘s missing the high vest vest (so the planes see him) and some cones on the platform.
The correct pie tin has arrived for the Wife's '67 Formula S! It's all in the details....
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Paid a visit today....gotta check out where the avatar's home track will now be! Did get some good news while there: person in the tower says they run the Sportsman bracket class down to 11.00. Whew - didn't really want to slow my car down if they didn't go that low!
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On the way to town I saw this mentally shunted individual who decided to attempt to drive over the unfinished portion of the new bridge that crosses the Cape Fear River because well, alcohol and BMW.
I know some people hate BMW because how their drivers act, but a BMW convertible driven like a clapped out 10 year old Kia...argh!
The way there was a housing market bust, because everyone was getting OK'd for mortgages, even when NO WAY they could afford it? Same thing for cars, coming soon. Nicer cars available, but worthless... driven ragged like Fast and Furious tryouts, and no maintenance done, ever.
Paid a visit today....gotta check out where the avatar's home track will now be! Did get some good news while there: person in the tower says they run the Sportsman bracket class down to 11.00. Whew - didn't really want to slow my car down if they didn't go that low!
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Very first track I ever raced on, back in the 70s while stationed with VP-45 at NAS Jacksonville.