"Re-scoring" a Girl Who Rates a "10" after a Second Look

You kindof sound like my brother.He'll be 62 in January.
He's had 3 wives and about 10 relationships, and his pecker has been practically around the world. He's a wizard now, old, wrinkly,sick,used up,always broke,father to two girls, and 4 years younger than am I.
Ones and zeros for him looked like 5s or less to me. To his credit tho,he's been shacked up with a nice girl now for something like a dozen years. Maybe a bit more.
What a life

When u get my age, they all (almost), look better than they used too ! I SAID ALMOST !!
I proposed to my wife of 28 years as soon as I saw that she would bait her own hook on our 2nd date.
All women are Bi.
They're either Bi sexual or Bi polar.
We all know which one we're likely to get.

Dude, you can't post stuff like this on here. Are you nuts? Do you want me divorced? Do you want me crashing on your couch?

It should be well known around here I read stuff like this and then say it to my wife. I can't help it. Then I have to ride the couch for a few days with the damn dog.

So now, I'm going to say this to my wife and catch all kinds of grief.

There should be a rule about posting stuff like this.
I don't tell my wife nuttin anymore
This one time, 11 years and one month ago, I started a conversation that I was concerned about her weight gain. Before I could finish, the chit hit the fan.
The thing is, her Mom gained weight, fell down,broke a hip,went to the hospital and died in there.
And the thing is, her sister gained weight,fell down, broke a hip, went to hospital and died there
Three other sisters were friggin heavy, but haven't fallen down yet.
I think I was justified in being concerned.
I don't say nuttin anymore
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One of the real secrets is to lay down the law when you are first married. I let her know, in no uncertain terms by telling her " From now on YOU'RE THE BOSS". It's been marital bliss since then!
I don't tell my wife nuttin anymore
This one time, 11 years and one month ago, I started a conversation that I was concerned about her weight gain. Before I could finish, the chit hit the fan.
The thing is, her Mom gained weight, fell down,broke a hip,went to the hospital and died in there.
And the thing is, her sister gained weight,fell down, broke a hip, went to hospital and died there
Three other sisters were friggin heavy, but haven't fallen down yet.
I think I was justified in being concerned.
I don't say nuttin anymore
None of those apply to me,(us), but it don`t do any good to say anything about her weight gain around here either !