Ready for George Rays Memike?

Sooo.No biggee, lets just pick a diffferent day.
I think I have way to much on my plate to enjoy this sunday Vic.
Am I going to race the new 4 door =P~??
I have a good :rock:and :drinkers: buzz going and I may take time and money for a challenge :-D I am hoping to have /6 take me for a 9.0 1/8 so get ready for some light time and time spent in a race car.
I may need about two year :clock: But it will be somthing I hope.
You bet Memike, you never know what will show up with! Give me a couple days to put the turbo on it and I'll be ready!!J/K, it is totally in Small Blocks court what cars go down the first time.
Youz guys are making me jealous!I,d love to spend a day with y,all at George,s.Sitting back just enjoying the senery,sharing some brown pops and stories!Have fun guys!Have a toast down there for me and this great site FABO!!:cheers:

P.S My 3 way shocks definetly need adjusting!Small Block,bring your big block car!Post some pics. when done?

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