Rear seat question


Holy Roller

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
Nederland Texas
Is the square bar inside the rear seat that operates the side latches supposed to be straight from end to end. Or is it supposed to be bent at the ends? Your help is greatly appreciated​
I have a 68 I'm building now. Can you take a picture of it and I can compare it to my seat.
I have a 68 I'm building now. Can you take a picture of it and I can compare it to my seat.
Roy, I haven't forgotten about the pics. I started a turnaround and haven't had a chance to get the pics. I have some on my phone, but i can't upload them on here. I'll get them as soon as i can.
I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be dead straight. The square ends fit into the cams that operate the latch. But my FB is off the premises so I can't take pictures.
I think your right, mine is bent at both ends...but not in the same direction. So I may end up replacing it, as soon as I can I'll post some pics to get a better idea. Thank you
This might help.

back seat (495x640).jpg