Rebuild or alterkation?

The only thing that I've heard and fear about powder coating is the chipping, anyone have experience with that?

ckj, sorry I missed this post earlier.

Aside from a really serious hit with a BFH or similar impact, the only reason powder coating will chip is due to insufficient part preparation and/or improper curing techniques.

I'm sure Boxer can back me up on this one if you want a second opinion.
Those torsion bars were SO HARD to get out, I took ALL the pressure off it and removed the clip, wouldn't budge, had to cut em in half, once I did that they fell right out...

My torsion bars were a ***** at first too. It took a lot of "persuading" to get them out. But after that they basically slid back in :)
I chased the threads yesterday and that solved the problem, now there is pleanty of adjustment. In case anyone else has a problem the threads are 9/16" - 18

Not yet, I'm going to chase the threads first, if that dosen't do it, I'll give him a call.
I also just put in the AlterKation setup and I have to tell you that its the best thing I ever did to my barracuda. The directions are great and the kit is first class....all the welds are great and the phone support from Bill is also great. Had it all done in 2 short nights. Its really worth the money!!!