Red loctite?



has cork sides
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Gainesville, GA
What would YOU use it for? Darryl kept jerkin my chain all day and wouldnt tell me a good use for it. He just said "you'd use it on something you dont want to come off again" He then turned to me and said "We use it on your car all the time. Last time we used it on the spark plugs and lug nuts:bootysha:"
Cant say he doesnt have a good sense of humor :cheers:
Exhaust studs that seal coolant in the heads.....I use the blue Lock-and-seal on everything else.
Carb studs, any block stud, Definately Torque converter bolts. I've even used the green locktite on converter bolts. Green is a step up from red and almost always requires heat to remove.
I used it on every bolt, nut, and screw on my bike and stuff still falls off. Thought about dipping my whole bike in it.
Don't use it on your spark plugs or lug nuts, but on any thing else that goes round and round and studs.
Carb studs, any block stud, Definately Torque converter bolts. I've even used the green locktite on converter bolts. Green is a step up from red and almost always requires heat to remove.

Green (#290) is the self wicking Loctite and has the lowest strength. Blue (#242) is medium and Red (#271) is the stongest.

I wouldn't use Red Loctite on anything smaller than 3/8" for fear of snapping the bolt off when trying to remove. It's intended to be permanent where Green and Blue are intended to allow disassembly.

dla4567, none of the Loctites work well when it's a steel fastener into an aluminum part unless you use the recomended primer.
They also make a green Industrial strength. Probably not the one you listed. This stuff would cause bolt heads to break off unless you heated it up.

P.S.If you use loctite on plugs you may want to get a new hobby:):)
hahahah, I never would myself. The guys down at the shop I go to are a bunch of wiseguys. lol. Thanks for all the input! Any other uses anyone can think of?