Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice! Fixed Dremel 3000 Tool At Home!



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Wimpy Dremel 3000 tool (made in Mexico) never worked all that well, kind of wimpy even for the little chores I asked it to help me with, then it just quit.

Mexican down the street fixes alternators and starters, took it apart, told me the windings lost continuity and we gave up on it.

Well, today after I ordered a Dremel Model 4000 kit per Amazon ($100) I started looking for videos on the internet because many of us have stories to tell about the newer Dremel models giving up the ghost. But I was thinking, its just a little electric motor, what could possibly go wrong?

And lo and behold, found a video of a Dremel 3000 repair. It was not a silent video, but there were no words spoken. I followed the procedure in the video and it is now working again and I cancelled the Amazon order just in time.

repair video:

There was a broken wire that to the naked eye looked OK but with a meter checking continuity and watching the video, I knew where the Achilles heal was located.

The only hitch was that every time I put it all back together and spun it by hand, it kept locking up on me. Well, the guy down the street had left out the return spring for the pin that one pushes in to change the accessories (see foto two).


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In the repair video, there are two screws that hold a small clamp over the two switch wires near to where the exit the rear of the tool. The guy down the street said he did not find that clamp or screws. I believe him, it is probably a way to cheapen the product even more, depending on the rubber grommet to keep the wires from pulling away from the switch. (see foto)

If I had to purchase the pin and spring kit (the spring the neighbor left out the first time) I found the tiny little pieces for sale on the internet for $29.90.
