Relieved.......but frustrated....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Been having chest pains. Very short in duration and infrequent. Also having shortness of breath, sometimes while I am having the chest pains, sometimes not. Doc sent me out fro a stress test which I passed. Cardiologist that I seen about the stress test scheduled me for an echo. Had that today and seen him again. Said is my heart is good to go.....and he has no clue what is causing the pain and shortness of breath.....Got half way home and had another chest pain....Seen my regular doc today as well, he said my blood test was all good....except for vitamin d being a bit low.......As I was typing this had another chest pain.....:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Anxiety?........I've been there before. They never found anything on me either. Even when i thought i had my **** together, something in my subconcious must have been working on me. That was years back, but i still get the feeling on occasion.
Wife had the same thing it was heartburn, acid reflux, everything else checked out good like you
Have that all the time when I'm out of tummy pills. Have your doc check for GERD (reflux).
Ink, I use to have the same, caused by stress, scared the living **** out of me, I thought I was having a heart attack....they wanted to give me a kinds of pills for stress. Here's a tip, fill your lungs with all of the air you can take from your nose, do not fill the stomach, hold it in for a few seconds, release slowly from the mouth and get all of the air out including your stomach. Until you have nothing coming out. Do it for 5 min, if you feel it starting again start the same process....It worked for me and it didn't cost anything. I can control the anxiety this way.Hopefully this can help you...try it, it's worth it
My stress appeared in the following real physical pain

endless yawning and "jaw ache." I could yawn 10, 15 times in a row and still felt like I needed to

Felt like my ears were being pulled back by some unseen force Sometimes the hair on my neck would prickle IE the fear reflex

My forehead area would feel hot and sweaty and almost cramped. I was actually not "hot and sweaty."

I would feel like my blood pressure was through the roof, and caught this effect at least twice in the Doc's office. A quick check of my BP showed it was where it normally "runs."

But the WORST was sometimes I felt like some sort of metal band was round my waist, digging into my sides. This was sometimes very painful, and happened typically if someone cut me off dangerously close or some other fairly irritating or even dangerous interaction.

NObody ever came up with a good reason. It's part of what put me out of work, finally, and while it has largely subsided, I also am not engaging in the kind of activities I was back then, work or otherwise. Still to this day I have "touches" of some of these, and large enclosed public areas are the worst. I generally "stay out." Being with friends (thanks Doug, Ernie!!!) helps.
My father dealt with severe chest pains for years. Docs told him it was Hiatal hernia. All the tests showed his heart to be good. When it come to stuff like this I say always get a second.
2darts hit it on the nail! This will remove stress and get more oxygen
in your blood and brain, stress and worrying about our heath is one
of the things that keep us from being healthy....... Make sure you are not holding your breath as you do things Ink, some people do it and doctors
miss this.... Try this and make it a habit, get a straw and breath threw it
and it will strengthen your lungs and when you remove the straw and you get back here and let us know what it does for you brother!!
Doing this one time a day is one of the top exercises we can do to live a long and healthy life, and I agree, always seek out a second opinion.
I am going for my rn right now I suggest to see another doctor but just some useful info try taking some vitamin d supplements vitamin d deficiency or VDD can have a multitude of symptoms including benign cardiac symptoms, anxiety, depression, thyroid issues, muscle pain, bone pain etc.
Do you Drink Soda? I had the same thing happening to me, had stress test done, EKG etc. At that time in my life I had quit drinking and started hard on the Soda's. Quit them and no more chest pains, loosing breath etc. I did have a Head and Neck ache for about 3 days when I quit drinking the soda's. I guess that was the withdrawals... haaaa
What 2darts mentioned is also good to kill the smoking craving too. I think Tony Field mentioned it to me when I was trying to quit. Have you started anything new maybe?? Meds/vitamins?? they might not be interacting properly. Good luck, hope you or the doc get it figured out!
At least you are not "frustrated" then "relieved".... LOL!

It's probably anxiety... Take it easy for a while and relax....
Don't think it is heartburn, often times it will happen, like yesterday, 6-7 hours after I have eaten last. And I do not get the funky taste in my mouth (My mother used to get heartburn and that is how she described it.) Stress & anxiety.......have been having Panic attacks for over thirty years now. And these pains/shortness of breath are no where near severe enough to be a Panic attack. Plus they are not coupled with the all out fear that a Panic attack normally brings for me.
Don't have any real stress in my life right now. Have not since leaving the Post Office in 08. Been talking to my head doc about it as well and he does not think it is mental health related.
When I was talking to my doc yesterday I told him of always being cold lately. He said that is one of the signs of a thyroid problem, however on the blood test it is on the high side. He told me if the problem is still present on my next visit he will send me out to see an endocrinologist. Not going to wait that long, I have the name of one of the more respected ones in the area.
I do drink soda, but no where near like I used to. Normally 2 cans a day. And we drink decaffeinated coffee.
I am going to start doing the breathing exercises. Years ago, when I was still working, they helped me get thru those really stressful moments at work, providing I was not already in a full bore manic state. I used to come home and turn out the lights, play a relaxation cd, light some candles and incense and just get lost. But I just can not seem to get into that frame of mind any more.....
Don't think it is heartburn, often times it will happen, like yesterday, 6-7 hours after I have eaten last. And I do not get the funky taste in my mouth (My mother used to get heartburn and that is how she described it.) Stress & anxiety.......have been having Panic attacks for over thirty years now. And these pains/shortness of breath are no where near severe enough to be a Panic attack. Plus they are not coupled with the all out fear that a Panic attack normally brings for me.
Don't have any real stress in my life right now. Have not since leaving the Post Office in 08. Been talking to my head doc about it as well and he does not think it is mental health related.
When I was talking to my doc yesterday I told him of always being cold lately. He said that is one of the signs of a thyroid problem, however on the blood test it is on the high side. He told me if the problem is still present on my next visit he will send me out to see an endocrinologist. Not going to wait that long, I have the name of one of the more respected ones in the area.
I do drink soda, but no where near like I used to. Normally 2 cans a day. And we drink decaffeinated coffee.
I am going to start doing the breathing exercises. Years ago, when I was still working, they helped me get thru those really stressful moments at work, providing I was not already in a full bore manic state. I used to come home and turn out the lights, play a relaxation cd, light some candles and incense and just get lost. But I just can not seem to get into that frame of mind any more.....

i would definitely scedual with the endocrinologist. with the thiroid issue it may very well be a vdd so while you are waiting to see him pick up some vitamin d supplement from local store and try it out wont hurt anything and might just fix it if it does youll have to have your doc take a look at why your vdd but it happens alot in areas with less sun. people in the north west and alaska have this problem alot.
Your Adrenal Glands are probably shot which brings on the Anxiety. I take a natural supplement everyday. 3 pills every morning. If I feel Anxiety coming on, I will even take a couple more during the day. Drink it with 8oz of water and poof, Anxiety is gone in about 5 Minutes.

It is called RAW ADRENAL. I get it at Sprouts. I don't know if you have a store like that around your area.

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i would definitely scedual with the endocrinologist. with the thiroid issue it may very well be a vdd so while you are waiting to see him pick up some vitamin d supplement from local store and try it out wont hurt anything and might just fix it if it does youll have to have your doc take a look at why your vdd but it happens alot in areas with less sun. people in the north west and alaska have this problem alot.

I have been taking vitamin d, just not enough if it according to the blood work. Am going to schedule a visit with the endocrinologist here asap. My doc did tell me that there very well could be something wrong with my thyroid even though the test says otherwise. I give myself testosterone injections. It was suggested by a member's Dad, who is an endocrinologist that once you need to start this kind of stuff that you seek the advice of an endo. as this is what they know. My doc did tell me that the endo. will dive a lot deeper into my hormones etc. in an attempt at figuring it out.
Thanks for your advice.......

Your Adrenal Glands are probably shot which brings on the Anxiety. I take a natural supplement everyday. 3 pills every morning. If I feel Anxiety coming on, I will even take a couple more during the day. Drink it with 8oz of water and poof, Anxiety is gone in about 5 Minutes.

It is called RAW ADRENAL. I get it at Sprouts. I don't know if you have a store like that around your area.

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We do not have a sprouts but we do have a similar store. I will look into this, but I think I am going to see the endocrinologist first.

I have had a few people tell me that perhaps the true problem is just that I am aging. I am only 46, in my book that is no way near "old". Don't get me wrong, I know that with my seriously screwed up back and all the other crap that is wrong will take its toll on me as far as my activity levels. But even if that were entirely true that does not explain the chest pains, shortness of breath, low (96*) body temps. and the near constant being cold. I never walk around the house wearing a jacket, never am I under a blanket while watching tv like I have been.
I was having a similar problem and to make a long story short, it was finally diagnosed as Prinzmetal angina. What it is, is my aorta goes into spasm and contracts. It gives all the symptoms of a blockage and I am actually having a heart attack, not from blockages, but from the aorta going into spasm. In order to diagnose this particular issue correctly you have to have an EKG while the attack is going on, before you are given nitroglycerin. Note that it is not anything like regular angina where physical activity brings it on - it usually happens in the middle of the night.

The "cure" for it is to carry nitro pills and if I feel an attack coming on I take a nitro pill. Fortunately it doesn't happen frequently, maybe for me once every 2-3 years, but can come in 3-4 attacks within a couple of weeks, then all's okay for another 2-3 years.
I was having a similar problem and to make a long story short, it was finally diagnosed as Prinzmetal angina. What it is, is my aorta goes into spasm and contracts. It gives all the symptoms of a blockage and I am actually having a heart attack, not from blockages, but from the aorta going into spasm. In order to diagnose this particular issue correctly you have to have an EKG while the attack is going on, before you are given nitroglycerin. Note that it is not anything like regular angina where physical activity brings it on - it usually happens in the middle of the night.

The "cure" for it is to carry nitro pills and if I feel an attack coming on I take a nitro pill. Fortunately it doesn't happen frequently, maybe for me once every 2-3 years, but can come in 3-4 attacks within a couple of weeks, then all's okay for another 2-3 years.
Be a problem to have the ekg when I am having an attack that is for sure. Had another mild one yesterday.
The cardiologist was laughing at me. I have never smoked. Other than being heavy I am healthy, minus the back problems. I passed the stress test, echo exam showed a very healthy heart. If I have one beer a week that is a lot now-a-days. All the levels in my blood are near ideal. Plenty of testosterone running thru my veins. Can spend close to an hour walking on the treadmill with no issues. Yet damn near every time I go outside and walk thru the yard to get the paper I get winded.
Would like to thank everyone for there comments.....
Have that all the time when I'm out of tummy pills. Have your doc check for GERD (reflux).

X2 I was diagnosed with that this summer, it often happens to me several hrs after I have eaten or when I'm getting hungry, very painful dr prescribed prilosec, when I remember to take it it works great, problem is I takebit for a few days and everything starts working great and then I stop taking them, then wammo it hits me again ! I would talk to the dr about getting a endoscopy done to check it out at least, never rule Anything out when it comes to your health
I had similar problem, also tired and lethargic, it frustrated me for weeks. Thought I was dying... turns out I had diabetes, my blood glucose levels were over 300. I had an employee with diabetes and she tested me - went straight to the hospital. Happily after a lot of tests I had no organ damage.
I would talk to the dr about getting a endoscopy done to check it out at least, never rule Anything out when it comes to your health

I will talk to my doc about an endoscopy. And I could not agree more with your last statement. At times I feel like I may be a bit paranoid.....but then the memory of my Dad having 5 strokes, somewhat contributed to the fact that he let things go to long before doing anything about them, comes to mind..

I had similar problem, also tired and lethargic, it frustrated me for weeks. Thought I was dying... turns out I had diabetes, my blood glucose levels were over 300. I had an employee with diabetes and she tested me - went straight to the hospital. Happily after a lot of tests I had no organ damage.
300, damn that is high. Glad you had no organ damage.