Remembrance day

Hello All.
Thanks to all the Vets around the world... Enjoy Your day...
Stay safe....
Happy Mopar :)
A GRAND shout out to those who served! Red, yellow, black, or white. Especially, Those who paid the ultimate price.....
We will never forget!
We give great thanks to all the veterans and remember all the fallen ones that fought and paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Never forget. Kim
We give great thanks to all the veterans and remember all the fallen ones that fought and paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Never forget. Kim
Very well said, Kim.
My father was a WW2 veteran from the same town that you live in.
He left there as an 18 year old farm boy in 1943 and came back as a 20 year old changed man in 1945.
Very well said, Kim.
My father was a WW2 veteran from the same town that you live in.
He left there as an 18 year old farm boy in 1943 and came back as a 20 year old changed man in 1945.
Thanks. My grandpa was in WW1. I guess the war really change him and not for the better. He passed away when I was 5. Kim
It sure as hell changed me was in everything since 88. USAF rescue mostly, very rewarding job. Navy Seal intel, no I was not a snake eater.
26 years of my life were dedicated to the US Army and yes, I was a snake eater (actually did eat a few of them) :lol: