Removing powder coating.

If you blast ,use coal slag. They sell it at TSC. It is very abrasive and will cut thru the powder coat easily, plus it is cheap.
Whatcha working on Don? Call me if I can help doll.
Some commercial work, especially that done overseas like on a welding cart, will come off in sheets with just your blow gun. Sad, but painfully true. Pretreatment, blasting, primer, adhesion promoters, cleanliness of the metal beforehand and several other other factors make all the difference in how well it sticks and how long it lasts.

If you're trying to take it off those Mickeys I did you'll need real powder stripper. It's $150 for five gallons. My jobs laugh at mere 90 psi blasting ...

Keep in mind what you use now can affect the metal profile underneath. The wrong abrasive can do more damage than you need.
This is what i am working on,Leanna,I spent 2 hours last night using paint stripper,there was red than orange what a job.Thoes Mickeys are with the new car owner.
