Repair 8 3/4 sure grip



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Bracebridge, Ontario
I have an 8 3/4 cone type sure grip that has damage to the pinion shaft and the hole in the case where the pin goes in. The pin sheared and the damage resulted. I know I can buy a new pinion shaft and pin. The question I have is can I have the hole in the case welded over and then redrilled. This is not major damage, the hole is slightly wallowed. Can get pics if it would help. Anyone attempted or done such a repair. The cones, gears etc are all in great shape so I would prefer to repair rather than the expense of a new unit. Possibly someone has an empty cone style case in good shape they want to sell? Thanks!
unfortunately the cases are cast which isn't easy at all to weld. I have one with the same issue and will just use it for parts because I'm sure it'd cost at least $150-200 by the time I have it welded up and machined back out.

Good empty cases are real rare but if you look in the for sale section there is a guy with a empty case for sale for $100 plus shipping
cases for sale in here all the time there was a good deal 2 or 3 days ago for a 489 try undr searchit was a good deal
Might be better off to place an ad in the wanted section for a worn out cone style suregrip and just replace the case.