Rescue This Dog! (or post a pic of yours!)

There disposition is great. The best dogs i owned. Good w/ people (if your not a dirt bag) Some how they know the good from the bad.Easy to train could be a little stubborn, can't give them an inch. Brut is 135# & Fiona is 110#. Food and vet bills can get pretty high. I have some video but can't figure out how to post.

Dogs just seem to know the good from the bad. It seems to be a standard feature on the good models. :) I'll have to do a little reading up on this breed.

You can upload your video to (it's free!), then copy and past the IMG link to your post.
I've owned two Bullies, one at a time. They are fabulous dogs, lots of fun to play with.

Freya was a little docile, she had a thyroid problem. She was about 130#.

Raven was rambunctious as all get-out. A real charmer, she was about 120#. My buddy was playing with her out in the yard with one of those knotted rope toys. He made the mistake of putting it between his legs, and she got it from behind, pulling him through his own legs :toothy10:.

Unfortunately, we lost both of them to cancer :angry7:.
I've owned two Bullies, one at a time. They are fabulous dogs, lots of fun to play with.

Freya was a little docile, she had a thyroid problem. She was about 130#.

Raven was rambunctious as all get-out. A real charmer, she was about 120#. My buddy was playing with her out in the yard with one of those knotted rope toys. He made the mistake of putting it between his legs, and she got it from behind, pulling him through his own legs :toothy10:.

OOUUUCHH! lol! Probably wasn't so funny to your friend. Please send him my condolences. :-D

I was thinking of adopting another Rott so Maxi has a buddy, but after reading this I most certainly wouldn't rule out a Bullie. Are they availible in different colors? Brindle maybe?

Unfortunately, we lost both of them to cancer :angry7:.

Sorry to hear. I lost my GSD "Rocky" to cancer.




My girl friend allmost hit this dog on the way home frome work one day. Tryed to find the owners but with no luck. Still trying to find a good home for it. You want it? Come and pick it up.:-D

Well I have some bad news, our dalmation mix had to be put down today. He had been acting odd for the last couple of days & started getting sick today so we took him to the vet. The vet says his liver had quit working & he could'nt do anything for him. Vet says he was running a horrible feaver & was in pain. He also said that if we didnt put him down the feaver would have killed him slowly. Im bummed out cause my lifelong buddy gave him to us as a puppy when we were in the 9th grade. That same buddy lost his life in an unfortunate auto accident 2 weeks after we graduated highschool, so the dog was special to me. At least he isint suffering anymore..... He had just turned 11 yrs. old the 5th of this month.......

I am so sorry man. I've been there before and it truly sucks.

I know it may be too soon, but it looks like burntorange has a guy who's looking for a good home. :)
Yeah, it blows a big one. I would love to have a "new" dog, but Cali. is a long way to go for a dog! ;) I still have my red heeler, so I guess me & him will just kick it for a while.

Give yourself some time....:clock:

Maybe in awhile think about rescuing a new bud. The shelters are so full of strays and abandoned pups just looking for a good home. Sorry for your loss.....:sad7:
Thanks alot guys. He is in a better place tho :) He was really hurting. Im good with the G-dog for now8)
Bigmac, I am sorry to hear about your pup. Man, it's hard isn't it? I'm sitting here typing with three of our four dogs laying at my feet knowing that I will have to say goodbye to them one day. But you kow what, right now, I wouldn't have it any other way. We are lucky to have them and enjoy them and they are pretty lucky to have us as well. We all have better lives because we are together. Maybe thinking along those lines may be of some consolation ... at least I hope so.

I'm sorry to hear that. I had a black lab for 14yrs and had to put him to sleep. We had some good years together.
Sorry to here your loss BigMac.
I lost my good friend and it does get better in time.
But you really don't ever forget them.

I will always miss my friend Socket, he was with me for about 6 years and
was my alarm system and loved every one except shady people.
He is like ramcharger said He could tell the difference of good folks and bad.
He could jump over rice burners and would jump up and sit in my lap even after he turned 6 years old, lot of energy and very obedient.

Socket loved his Canadian friends too.

Its just me and my sons big St.Banard and of course boogie
and my brothers 3 leggier

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Thanks alot guys. He is in a better place tho :) He was really hurting. Im good with the G-dog for now8)

Sounds like you have come to terms with this with a very healthy atittude. :cheers: I wish you the best and like 6pk said, your next best friend is waiting for you at the nearest shelter when the time comes.:grommit:
Socket must have really like his canadian friends! LoL!! Looks like he is trying to get a little snifter!
My girl friend allmost hit this dog on the way home frome work one day. Tryed to find the owners but with no luck. Still trying to find a good home for it. You want it? Come and pick it up.:-D

Feed this dog a little more man. It needs to put on a few pounds. :)
sorry to hear that bigmac. but at least you still got the memories of em both.

we had a dog (forget what breeds he was) but he would never hurt anyone or anything,,,couple winters after we moved here my dad was on the roof shovelin the snow off and he heard a 22 shot, 1st thing he did was look for the dog, with no luck, he went up to the nieghbors that he heard the shot from and i guess they got all defensive and said they didnt shoot him, right after he got home he looked over there and saw a fire goin in their burn barrle :( (can see there house from ours in the winter)
sorry to hear that bigmac. but at least you still got the memories of em both.

we had a dog (forget what breeds he was) but he would never hurt anyone or anything,,,couple winters after we moved here my dad was on the roof shovelin the snow off and he heard a 22 shot, 1st thing he did was look for the dog, with no luck, he went up to the nieghbors that he heard the shot from and i guess they got all defensive and said they didnt shoot him, right after he got home he looked over there and saw a fire goin in their burn barrle :( (can see there house from ours in the winter)

Assholes. If they fessed up and told the truth like "they ate a baby lamb/cow, threatened my children or me" that would be different. Not good, but livestock and people come first. Fkrs. Thanks Spike, now I'm pissed. :) I wanna roll over their cars with my RC.
Feed this dog a little more man. It needs to put on a few pounds. :)

I here you on that. I don't know how long it was running around but it is under weight. It is eating good now though. She is a good dog and yes I will fing a very good home for her. She loves to run and a tennis ball is like crack to this dog she loves to play catch.
I here you on that. I don't know how long it was running around but it is under weight. It is eating good now though. She is a good dog and yes I will fing a very good home for her. She loves to run and a tennis ball is like crack to this dog she loves to play catch.

Yeah man, I figured she was starving to start with. :) So Dude, why not keep her? If she's playing catch with you'all, she must dig the attention. Mixes (mutts) usually spend less time at the vet and are smarter than some purebreds, plus she's got a head that would freak out a potential burglar. She looks as though she's got some shep, pitt and maybe lab. Theives don't dig junkyard dogs, they can't place 'em. :)

Have you named her yet? Hemi comes to mind. SixPack maybe? How about Dart!
sorry to hear that bigmac. but at least you still got the memories of em both.

we had a dog (forget what breeds he was) but he would never hurt anyone or anything,,,couple winters after we moved here my dad was on the roof shovelin the snow off and he heard a 22 shot, 1st thing he did was look for the dog, with no luck, he went up to the nieghbors that he heard the shot from and i guess they got all defensive and said they didnt shoot him, right after he got home he looked over there and saw a fire goin in their burn barrle :( (can see there house from ours in the winter)

What a bunch of duschbags. Thats just jacked up.:angry7:
If your dog does not come...start offering a treat and positive praise every time he comes...he will learn to associate something great with coming back to you!