Rip George Kennedy

I think his best role to me was in Cahill US Marshal. May he RIP.
He was also really good in The Blue Knight. That one should have lasted longer.
He was in some great stuff. I had no idea he was still alive. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot


one of the greats in my lifetime....RIP George

one of his oddest roles was McHales Navy
Hey Kid, Go F#ck a Duck.

Thunderbolt and Lightfoot.
Eiger sanction.
Are all time Classics.
One of the classic scenes I remember in the Lizzy Borden movie was when George was doing some car improvement.

Do you remember what he was doing?
Yup Cool Hand Luke is a baddass movie !! R.I.P. George.
A man of many movies and a hole lot of talent, Cool Hand Luke one of the best movies ever made. He made Paul Newman look good. the movie would not been the same without George. R.I.P.
Wonderful actor, even in the most serious roles he always added a touch of levity with a look or the inflection in his voice. I always enjoyed his characters. RIP, and thanks.
Wonderful actor, even in the most serious roles he always added a touch of levity with a look or the inflection in his voice. I always enjoyed his characters. RIP, and thanks.

had his own style, liked him.
Speakin' of..........

Just now sittin' here watching "The Big Valley" on METV. Georged played a tyrant thug panhandling sailors for an evil ship's captain. Of course the "Barkleys" got involvedf
"This ship needs blood, Marshall"

Not from one of his more well-known movies...
He was always someone I recognized in a movie, etc but could never recall his name later..odd how that works.
Airport, The Dirty Dozen, Charade(with the metal claw hand), In Harms Way, The Sons of Katie Elder, so many great ones even as lesser roles....