roller lifter rehab



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
can you buy just the roller and replace? I got 2 hemi full body solid rollers that have scars on the rollers only (link bar gave up and both turned) . Seems a shame to scrap 'em as they are the solid body style, I think they are old Crowers.
I think you got to buy new ones, I'm not even sure where you could get just the roller
I bought these toasted for a project. Cam was wiped per the seller. 14 perfect, 2 scarred, 2 extras not much better. Im gonna press the pin out and see what the roller specs at. Maybe a magnum roller or other OEM is the same size? well see.
Take them by a decent machine shop and see what it would cost to have the rollers made. Material selection and the heat treat is going to be the trick. Turning and grinding the roller is childs play. Probably be a couple hundred bucks for a pair of rolls unless you know a guy.