Rules for Non Military

god bless our kids that go in harms way. if anyone treats our kids the way the nam vets were treated when they came home, should be pissed and **** on and then have (their asses kicked). sorry, just had to throw-up a little.
Some pictures speak louder than words.


Here's our new commander in chief.
no that is a picture of some muslim immigrint that needs to be removed i cant believe we let that man into office
The whole planet knows that he bought his way into office with money that no one know where it came from...$100 pledges from so many Americans...I dont think just doesnt add up...he is my boss for sure..but how did he get here with a birth certificate that is bogus...hell a real American cant even get a passport or a drivers license with a bogus one and he is CinC...what the hell happened in this contry???????????????????
Well said, my hat is off to the Men and Women in any branch of service past,current and soon to be, anytime I run into one of these fine people at a bar ballgame or wherever the beer is on me.