rust repair around back window



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
hi happy new year ! just wondeing who out there has had to do sum rust reapair around there back window after they took the vinyl roof off . and how it went and turned out??????????
Well I haven't done it yet.....but my dart is in need of it also, did you have any specific question about it? I may possibly be of some help... :)
rt, can you post a picture of the area that needs to be repaired? If so, we can probably give you some ideas as to how to best accomplish the needed repairs.

And Happy New Year also. :)
hi oldfart . no pics yet but will take sum soon! but its around the bottom corners on back window and a spot halfway . oh ya its 67 cuda notchback . i think that dam vinyl roof is why it didi it! but theres like three spots that have to be cutout because u can poke right trough but tey aren't that big like biggest spot to get back to good sheet meatl would be like 2.5 inchs square.
i wouldn't know anything about here are some pics of my 69 that djvcuda and i fixed....








mine isn't even close to that bad a body joe . thats a 69 cuda in your pics???
and hes got about 8000 more pix of that

thats alot of words!
what gauge of metal did u use for your patchs???????? abody
Those are obviously pieces cut from a donor car. Usually 20 - 22 guage metal is used for repairs. I usually use an old hood from a Dodge truck for replacement metal.
Got rust? Take it from me, sometimes, heck a LOT of times 'just a little' rust can suddenly turn into a lot of rust once the body man gets in there and starts looking around. This is known as the "minefield" phenomina. Any time you bring a car in for some rust repair make sure you mentally and perhaps financially prepare yourself for a potentially extensive body job. My $200 "fender dent" quickly turned into a $2000 "rebuild". Happens all the time.

Good luck and I hope she comes out looking great. -LY
rt7413 said:
what gauge of metal did u use for your patchs???????? abody

it was cut from a parts car.. not sure how thick it is... in my opinion it is alot easier to cut it from a parts car because it already has the proper bends in it. especially in that area..
OldVart said:
I'm about the same Dave. You can never have too many pictures when you put in the ammount of work that we do on these old cars.

So true i have tons of pics. of my projects!:happy6:

Hey Joe didn't you sell that Dart a while back?
yes i did... a guy on moparts bought it... its going together for his kid.. they mini tubbed it and are talking about maybe putting an alter-k in it... not sure what motor is going it it though... think he is doing it yellow...