Sad news received from a fellow member



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Hi all, I got home yesterday and am saddened to say that I received a pm from a fellow member that his wife had passed away. I sent mine and Lori's condolensces. Out of respect for this member I wont divulge his name. He has been on fabo for almost a year now and has been both helpful and generous. Lets send him and everyone affected by this tragedy our support. Thanks all and God Bless

Pass my condolences on. Sorry to hear. It seems we are at the age where this type of thing is now a part of our lives.
Sorry to hear this.News like this make ya realize how short life is how it should be charished.I hope they spent alot of quality time together.the family has my condolences.
Pass my condolences on. Sorry to hear. It seems we are at the age where this type of thing is now a part of our lives.
Sad but true.

Sorry to hear this.News like this make ya realize how short life is how it should be charished.I hope they spent alot of quality time together.the family has my condolences.
Life is indeed far to short.

Please pass our condolences as well.....
Condolensces will be passed on, I will show him this thread when he touches base with me again. Thanks, I am quite sure he appreciates our thoughts and prayers.
I have no words, knowing what he's going through.

My prayers are with him. There are no words in the English language that can describe how my heart goes out to him.
Treva and I send our condolences and prayers for strength to this fellow member and his family and friends
Please pass on my prayers and condolensces. Having lost a close family member recently at a young age, it makes you really sit back and reflect on what you have, and what you still wish to accomplish.

Thanks again everyone. I had the opportunity today to speak to our fellow member. He reached out and gave me a call and we spoke for a while. This was the 1st time we had spoken. He wanted me to say thanks to everyone. He has seen this thread and will post when the time is right. I just want to say thank you to everyone here for their well wishes and for making this site more than just about cars. Blessings to all.
