sb 360



Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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hey everyone i got a couple questions i could you some help with? I have a 75 360 and i was curious if anyone knew the specs of these heads? and i also have a cam question, i have a new purple cam that sat a while with some surface rust on the lobes i know oops but i was able with very light scotch brighting to remove all the rust should this be ok to run?
Should be......

Cant think of the heads offhand, maybe Jheads, 1.88/1.60....... Books are near sleeping wife......... Bad deal there.

Make sure the contact surface of the cam is not pitted.
possibly a 587 casting or a 974. Small intake valve 1.88 360 heads with 1.60 exhaust. 65-73 cc combustion chamber. probably air injection holes.
ya they r the 974 cast numbers so what is the combustion chamber size on those?

and yes that is some **** lol
If the rust was very light the scotch brite should have been okay. Make sure you clean clean clean the cam before installing it. No guarantees but chances are good it should be okay as long as it gets broken in properly.
ya they r the 974 cast numbers so what is the combustion chamber size on those?

and yes that is some **** lol

See above post.

To know exactly your gonna have to cc the chambers. Go to your pharmacy and get a large syringe,one that will hold better than 80cc. A vet may be a better bet. Go to your hardware store/glass shop and get a small plexiglass,just big enough to cover the chamber. Drill a hole in it so when the head is flipped chamber up,the hole will be on the high side of chamber. Fill your syringe with rubbing alcohol. Mix it with a bit of food die first. Then seal the plexiglass to the chamber with vaseline or similar. Now fill chamber with died alcohol. Record how much it took to fill and thats your chamber size in Cubic centimeters (cc ).
That is exactly the way I cc my heads. Works excellent. They may be as large as 72 cc's.
IMO, new cam. A picture would help
Damn, they had a 587 air pump head...... ain't that some ****? Glad I've never ran across one of them!

All open chamber 340/360 heads with the exception of the late 80's 308 head are for all practical purposes the same and have the same potential. The 308 head has a better exhaust port design that is the same as the closed chamber magnum head.