Scammers after parts!


Yes sir! I am glad I have your approval :roll: :roll:

This is going to be the last post on this thread since OUBVIUOSLY Kraby wants this to be an arguing match!!!

"He never asked me any specific question about the parts."

Yes, he most certainly did, can you not read? And I qoute " am interested in buying the small block rockers and shafts that you have placed for sale now, and I would want to enquire about the present condition of the above mentioned" Sounds to me like he is asking about the parts.

I most certainly can read but I guess you just don't realize that this is just a general question. How about what heads are they are off of? Do have any photos, etc...

"The number one thing that bring it to my attention is the cashier cheques because that is what they are doing."
"Didn't ask if I accpet cashiers cheques"

You would prefer to be paid with uhhhhh, a personal check maybe??? You always have the option, in a response to someone like who is contacting you about parts, to TELL them how you want to be paid, if it dosn't suit them they will tell you so and move on or they wont reply to you at all because they won't be interested in your requested payment method.

Well how about PayPal or Western Union money order. There are alot other options out there BESIDES a chasiers cheque!

Also I guess it doesn't matter that two other people on this forum stated that they received the same email about parts they had forsale, but he is just interested in the parts right??

I glad you can be the mediator of this, since I have never sold anything over the net before.

Common sense you said, well common sense would tell just about anyone that this is a scam.

"BTW how do I even know if that is the Peter Reiss that sent it? Maybe there is another Peter Reiss in Amsterdam, there could be more than one person with the same name."

How would you know, you never responded to the guy. Never even gave him a chance, just came here and called him a scammer. I searched his name and found no other Peter Reiss listed, ain't to say there isn't, but I find it less likely. There are 8 men in the tri state area that I live in all with the EXACT SAME NAME, my name. Does this automaticly make me a scammer and nobody should deal in any parts with me? I didn't think so.

I actually did send him an email but he never replied back. So maybe he saw the thread!!!

Well I just did a search on my name and there was 12 just in California alone and over 100 in the US.

Peter Reiss also had 100. The name means nothing!

Like I said this is my last post on this thread!!!
Not at all, if you want to argue though, first have legitamet points to argue. If you have a problem with someone responding to your post with something you don't want to hear, maybe consider not posting at all. It is a public forum and I have as much right to post my thoughts as u do to go around slandering someone with no evidence. Get mad if you want, wasn't the intention to make u mad, but it is your choice. Grow a little thicker skin kids. It is just the internet, I certainly didn't come over and take a crap in your yard. It's my opinion, don't try to make it a personal thing, I wasn't :banghead:
krabysniper said:
Not at all, if you want to argue though, first have legitamet points to argue. If you have a problem with someone responding to your post with something you don't want to hear, maybe consider not posting at all. It is a public forum and I have as much right to post my thoughts as u do to go around slandering someone with no evidence. Get mad if you want, wasn't the intention to make u mad, but it is your choice. Grow a little thicker skin kids. It is just the internet, I certainly didn't come over and take a crap in your yard. It's my opinion, don't try to make it a personal thing, I wasn't :banghead:

If you accept a cashiers check for any parts the best thing to do is deposit it in your bank and wait for it to clear.Many times these checks are fake and you lose if you send them anything.It may take several weeks to clear and most of these frauds want some kind of money back and they want to do the deal quickly. I do not blame you for your caution.If there are morons out there who want to deal with these people they deserve what they get or should i say don't get.Good luck all.
I received an e-mail from a young lady in Asia. She promised to make me"happy" for long time.

With my good looks, this couldn't possibly be a scam....
...could it?
Here is the response I received:


Thanks for your response and your mail content duly noted.

You can not belief how only I had wish meeting you personally to discuss this regrettably I am no longer based in the US but resides here in the U.K on similar business interest and also have a family home located in Ontario Canada where I have an old aged whare house (storage & restoration unit) which is being run by my son and wife.

So, would you please inform me if I am to purchase it as is bottom price on the rearend and gas tank and in doing so send to me necessary details--postal address, full name and telephone number(s)--of whom this cheque should be payable to thus my wife could mail the cheque from Ontario to you on my behalf. On the shipment, I have a recommended shipper there who is expected to meet with you for inspection, survey and arrangement for their conveyance to Ontario .

On getting the cheque cashed and all agreement are proven to be legitimate, he (the carrier) will be directed to establish contact with you for immediate transfer of the rearend and gas tank to Canada where my wife and son are designated for receiving orders made by me.


PS. I assume you will send the pics in your next mail to me. To reach me: Phone Contacts: Home # + 44-703-190-2249 and # 44-870-0199-5214 (if the line is busy call back and back again). But sorry, I will be out on the road at work today until 6:30 so until then it would be best to e-mail me as I will be checking it often and won't be available by phone until I get off of work.
I just wanted to jump in here for a moment and share what I have found .
It is legitimant to assume that this originally was a scammer, why?, because there are hundreds of scammers out there that do this exact type of thing.
I sell alot of parts on numerous areas, forums web sites etc...I get flooded with similar sounding requests. The english is broken up and they never state exactly they way your ad reads, or they dont ask questions about the product, when questions should be asked. So how does one know if it is legit? Quite simply, respond to them and make a quick note. Something like this: "In response to your inquiry on the (item) for sale, I would be happy to share information and sale you the (item), but I have been dealing with alot of advertisers and scammers lately. If you would please, respond back to me and explain what you are needing the parts for I can make sure the part (item) will work best for your needs. "

If you dont get a response back from is more than likely someone seeking information. They are not necessarily out to scam you, they just want info. to flood you with all kinds of spam, and junk. I have had people say the only way they could pay me is through direct deposit and needed my account info....If you fall for that one, you get what you deserve (in my opinion). So be cautious, and be informed, they are out there.

my .01 worth (I spent the other .01)

Do not accept cashiers checks from out of country people. These guys are counterfeiting cashiers checks because it is easier to do than money. I don't think any of use know what a real or fake cashiers check looks like from an out of country bank.
smythge said:
Here is the response I received:


Thanks for your response and your mail content duly noted.

You can not belief how only I had wish meeting you personally to discuss this regrettably I am no longer based in the US but resides here in the U.K on similar business interest and also have a family home located in Ontario Canada where I have an old aged whare house (storage & restoration unit) which is being run by my son and wife.

So, would you please inform me if I am to purchase it as is bottom price on the rearend and gas tank and in doing so send to me necessary details--postal address, full name and telephone number(s)--of whom this cheque should be payable to thus my wife could mail the cheque from Ontario to you on my behalf. On the shipment, I have a recommended shipper there who is expected to meet with you for inspection, survey and arrangement for their conveyance to Ontario .

On getting the cheque cashed and all agreement are proven to be legitimate, he (the carrier) will be directed to establish contact with you for immediate transfer of the rearend and gas tank to Canada where my wife and son are designated for receiving orders made by me.


PS. I assume you will send the pics in your next mail to me. To reach me: Phone Contacts: Home # + 44-703-190-2249 and # 44-870-0199-5214 (if the line is busy call back and back again). But sorry, I will be out on the road at work today until 6:30 so until then it would be best to e-mail me as I will be checking it often and won't be available by phone until I get off of work.

This person actually left you phone #'s. In my experiences with scammers, not one was willing to give me a phone #.
A wire transfer of funds is the safest way to receive money from someone out of country. Every time I get one of these emails I tell them I only accept wire transfers for funds on out of country sales and I never here back from them. This is any easy way to to weed out the legit deals from the scammers. This way you won't get all of the scammer rights people on this sight all worked up from accusing them wrongly.
Wire transfers work, as will any other payment method as long as you wait till the funds have cleared all channels.

To even try to be insulting in this thread only demonstrates your ignorance.

"This way you won't get all of the scammer rights people on this sight all worked up from accusing them wrongly"

are you calling someone on this site a scammer? are you trying to imply anybody on these bulletin boards supports scammers? because if you are you need to grow up.

Scammers don't give you there phone numbers, but I am sure in your mind anybody who would consider responding to a posted add for items for sale must be a con of some sorts :thumbup: