Seat Bracket Bolt Repait



Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Ok guys, I hope this can be fixed pretty easy. When Taking out my seats today I guess I pulled a little too hard on the rachet and snapped a bolt in half from under the seat bracket, the one that goes through the floor.

Anyone know of an easy fix? Or if it's not an easy fix, then any will do I suppose.

Ok guys, I hope this can be fixed pretty easy. When Taking out my seats today I guess I pulled a little too hard on the rachet and snapped a bolt in half from under the seat bracket, the one that goes through the floor.

Anyone know of an easy fix? Or if it's not an easy fix, then any will do I suppose.


Should just need to put another bolt in it.
That happens often. Sometimes the special nut wont come off the broken stud. Good luck with that. I use a 5/16 inch carriage bolt from a hardware store.
Thanks, worried i messed up my brackets for a second. Trying to build a car on a very tight budget is stressful!
I actually cut ALL of my seat bolts off right when I took my seats out. I just drilled new holes and put bolts through it. Very easy and real cheap. I did not want those ancient studs on there. They break.
NHRA- fender bolts not allowed. I used 1/8" rounded plate for the seats. NHRA wants 1/4" rounded plate for seat belts.