


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Dropped Ernie off for her infusion today. Was going to take three hours so I went and ran some errands. Had about 40 minutes to kill so I looked for a parking lot to sit in and read the paper. There was no signs saying Private Property, no signs saying it was a pay for use lot. There was a dozen or so empty spots. Was there for ten minutes or so, window open with the radio playing. Noticed a security guard for the hospital had stopped in front of me. Seen him getting out of his vehicle. Guy was real young. After he was standing by the side of our truck for 20 seconds or so I asked him "Can I help you with something?". He asked me what I was doing....I shook the paper and said it is pretty obvious, aint it? He told me I had to leave the parking lot. I told him I was going to sit there until I was good and ready to leave. He threatened to call the cops, told him to go right ahead. He jumped in his vehicle, slammed the door and took off.....I sat there for another 15 minutes or so, waiting for Ernie to call....
Sounds like a kid trying out his new tuff guy badge.
I love "rent-a-fuzz"
gotta be careful though, the young ones with guns can get stupid.
Devil's advocate...

Aren't some of the posters in this thread the same people who argued that private property is just that, and if anyone trespassed...

Not knowing it's private property is one thing, knowing that it is or being informed after the fact that it is, and still deciding to violate the owner's wishes is something else.

Would it be any different if someone drove into your drive way and parked in your yard?

How is this any different?

Don't go crazy, I'm just asking a question. :dontknow:

(chortle) almost forgot... :poke:
Devil is in the details, I think, Frankie.

It sounds like this is a place of business with confusing signs posted in a shared lot of sorts? I don't know.

If it's private property, well, yeah, maybe get a move on, but if it's a shared lot with nothing posted, I think I would have asked the security guard a few questions about signage and all.
There was a dozen or so other vehicles parked there, really don't think it was private property. Not to mention the unarmed Rent -A-Cop was in a Hospital Security car. There was no "Private Property" signs on any of the 2 entrances...Not that this matters but I have parked in this lot on numerous occasions prior to this as it is the closest "free" parking to the hospital that Ernie's rheumatologist is in. I often drop her off and go ruin errands while she is getting her infusion and normally have a half an hour to waste waiting for her.
My point, and I know this may be tuff for a certain someone to see, is this...if the lot were full, which it was far from, and I was sitting there like I was and seen someone looking for a spot I would have gladly moved, just like I have done when I parked in the Emergency room lot. But it was not full, so what is the harm in someone sitting there reading the paper? And for Copper A**hat to threaten me with the police because I did not jump was sort of stupid.
There was a dozen or so other vehicles parked there, really don't think it was private property.

So you're not sure if those cars were "permitted" to park there, or not?

Not to mention the unarmed Rent -A-Cop was in a Hospital Security car.

Would it have made a difference id the, so called, "rent a cop", were armed?
Perhaps the lot was leased to the hospital for parking, since you noticed it was a hospital security car, did you inquire as to whether the lot was leased to the hospital?

There was no "Private Property" signs on any of the 2 entrances...Not that this matters...

Correct, it doesn't matter, as you were informed by a person hired to do so. Whether he had the authority to enforce it or not, is completely irrelevant.

...but I have parked in this lot on numerous occasions prior to this as it is the closest "free" parking to the hospital...

Are you claiming that your personal past practice voids the owners or the leasers right to create a private parking area?

My point, and I know this may be tuff for a certain someone to see, is this...if the lot were full, which it was far from, and I was sitting there like I was and seen someone looking for a spot I would have gladly moved, just like I have done when I parked in the Emergency room lot. But it was not full, so what is the harm in someone sitting there reading the paper? And for Copper A**hat to threaten me with the police because I did not jump was sort of stupid.

So your personal convenience trumps the owners rights to private property, and the cop that was hired to protects said owners rights?

That certain someone understand the right of anyone owning or leasing a piece of property to hire someone to keep unauthorized, or simply unwanted people off of said property.
btw, not jumping isn't the issue. The issue is that you completely ignored him, assuming that you had everything figured out, but without know the facts.

Example: If you lived in the city, and you parked in front of your house, everyday, for 10 years, and one day you return home to find the curb painted red (a no parking zone), but no sign is posted. Since your past practice was to park there, does that give you the right to ignore the red curbing?
What's the difference between red curbing replacing a sign, and a hired employee replacing a sign.

While your argument and actions can be legally taken apart, I'm only just yankin' your chain. :poke:
Blah blah blah.....just looked at a county map....the parking lot is owned by the wife was receiving services at the hospital so pretty sure that gives me the "right" to be sitting on the property. The only Private Property sign there was is on the driveway heading out of the lot, looked like it was heading towards a residence of some sort...

I know, just because my wife was in the hospital it does not give me the right to use there parking facilities.....and gives some clown the right to come and give me a hard time. What ever you say Sir....Keep rambling...
The lot cop is probably there to help address possible security threats. A person just pulling into the lot and parking will raise suspicion.
Maybe your answer to his question was off base. If the lot cop were to press the incident you may well have been looking at a possible arrest and impoundment of your vehicle.
Blah blah blah.....just looked at a county map....the parking lot is owned by the hospital....

Blah...blah...blah... You didn't know that at the time, and you didn't ask.

my wife was receiving services at the hospital so pretty sure that gives me the "right" to be sitting on the property. The only Private Property sign there was is on the driveway heading out of the lot, looked like it was heading towards a residence of some sort...

I know, just because my wife was in the hospital it does not give me the right to use there parking facilities.....and gives some clown the right to come and give me a hard time. What ever you say Sir....Keep rambling...

Ink, Get over it man. I'm just screwing with you Geez! lighten up.
Two sides to the story imo. This is a parking lot obviously close to the hospital, it stands to reason signs would be posted if the owner or the hospital didn't want parking...I mean signs are enforceable by law. If you have private property that is commercial use, that kind of changes things, signage is expected and the norm.

Security officer asks what are you doing, had you replied with waiting for a patient, might have said okay and went on his way...then again, might have had the same response. It becomes theoretical at that point. Either way, it really goes back to the signage issue.

Now had this been a residence, I don't think ink would have even parked there. Common sense generally rules that out.
Agreed...i think you were in the right to be there waiting for a patient! Also agree though that a civil answer to the security guards inquiry would have probably diffused the situation! A little civility can go a long way most times!! Been learning that the hard way most of my life!!!