Share Your Christmas Memories for the Kids

My sister would never let me put the fur lined boots in the fireplace at my parents' house on Christmas morning....:angry7::toothy10: ("Oh, no, kids! Look what happened to Santa!")

Seriously, the thing I remember about Christmas as a teenager was getting up and nothing could happen until my folks had coffee. I'm like that now.
It was my job to hand out the gifts on Christmas morning, as well as put 'em under the tree the night before. So I was Santa. I'd watch everyone open their gifts, then go sit in a quiet corner and open mine. For me it was more about looking at the excitement on everyone else's face. I still try to quiet myself away when the family is here, but my wife won't let me.

I remember the milk and cookies. And I'd leave a note from Santa to the kids telling them to be good and thanks for the milk and cookies. Did that every year for my niece and nephew. One morning my niece, now 21, then about 10, told her mother she knew I was Santa: Santa has my handwriting. I remember when she got in her teens she'd stay up with me to put the gifts under the tree. Her brother is over six years younger than she, so it meant a lot to her to help play Santa for him...

Thanks, for the thread. Love the memories and reading about others'.

Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed hearing your story. Have a Merry Christmas and I'm glad your wife makes you stay. Treva
Heres another one my mother heard on the radio. This one is to help keep God in Christmas and to remind them what Christmas is really about.

Purchase a nativity scene of any size. Wrap each piece individually. Each day leading up to Christmas you let the kids unwrap a piece leaving baby Jesus for Christmas day. Explain the meaning of each piece when they unwrap it. I thought this was a pretty neat idea. Thanks Treva
Merry's one my daughter is doing with the boys...

Take a peppermint mint, the round one and plant it in a small pot of soil. The next week substitute a small candy cane coming up out of the soil, the next week put in a larger one and so on...

The boys actually think they are growing candy canes....


I really like that idea your daughter has she has a very good imagination.

All these stories bring back good memories of being a kid.

I remembered one time when I was in second grade when we lived in Bellingham, Washington at Christmas we didn't have any snow.
Christmas eve my dad went out and made marks in the gravel driveway that looked like sleigh runner tracks.
My brother (who is five year younger then me ) and I where so excited
to see them. I ask why he didn't land on the roof.
My dad said because there was no snow on the roof like in Minnesota. Santa probably didn't want to mess up the shingles.
Heres another one my mother heard on the radio. This one is to help keep God in Christmas and to remind them what Christmas is really about.

Purchase a nativity scene of any size. Wrap each piece individually. Each day leading up to Christmas you let the kids unwrap a piece leaving baby Jesus for Christmas day. Explain the meaning of each piece when they unwrap it. I thought this was a pretty neat idea. Thanks Treva

That's actually kinda cool. But since the Wise Men didn't get there until what the Christian calender calls Epiphany (January 6th...) Sorry, just being a smart ***. Love the idea of this, Treva.

Here's a couple of pics you and Mike might like. It's Sarah's and my Bethlehem village we bought back in '02...


I really like that idea your daughter has she has a very good imagination.

All these stories bring back good memories of being a kid.

I remembered one time when I was in second grade when we lived in Bellingham, Washington at Christmas we didn't have any snow.
Christmas eve my dad went out and made marks in the gravel driveway that looked like sleigh runner tracks.
My brother (who is five year younger then me ) and I where so excited
to see them. I ask why he didn't land on the roof.
My dad said because there was no snow on the roof like in Minnesota. Santa probably didn't want to mess up the shingles.

Very creative of your dad! Great idea.
My mom passed away in 2006. She was a bit of a hoarder, had a soft spot for anything oddball. Well, we could'nt keep everything, but this fellow makes an appearance each Christmas.

My mom passed away in 2006. She was a bit of a hoarder, had a soft spot for anything oddball. Well, we could'nt keep everything, but this fellow makes an appearance each Christmas.

Gryzynx, your mom sounds like she was a very creative and interesting person. I like the oddball things too. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for your contribution.
Did you enjoy your nap hun ? Good to see you here with us again :love7: