


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Seems like no matter how many I build I still need more of them :banghead:
When i was getting ready to build my shop i changed my mind and doubled the size. My Dad said, "it doesn't matter it still wont be big enough". Boy was he correct.
When i was getting ready to build my shop i changed my mind and doubled the size. My Dad said, "it doesn't matter it still wont be big enough". Boy was he correct.

Yep....mine is 36x52 or so. Hopefully will be replacing the shed that our well tank is in with a building some year.....and use that as a work shop and the other one for just storage.

Wife just came out to the garage. Once I get the tools and what not put away she wants to move the car out of the way and re-arrange all the shelves....knew I should not have let her out there.....:banghead::banghead:
She doesn't have her own garage?Mine is detached and hers is attached to the house.Mine's a mess and hers gets filled with my junk while I try yet for another year to clean and organize mine...
Years ago a character in a sitcom was using "put up a shelf" as analogy for "making whoopee" during a conversation about his sex drive or lack thereof.
We all need more shelving but until "Shelvagra" pills hit the stores shelves.... feck it LOL
...and the pricing...they are another of those items that are almost if not the same for used ones (if you can find them) as new ones.
milk crates put stuff in stack them and forget about the part that are in there and go buy the same part again because you don't remember wwhich milk crate you put the part in to
Are we going to see you on an episode of "Horders" or "Pickers" someday?


Joe Dokes

No......but if my Dad were still around you might have seen him. After he became disabled and sold his business to a friend I was given the task of cleaning out his office in our basement. I hauled all sorts of crap out to the curb...busted cement blocks, tubs of bent gutter spikes etc. Went to work after hauling it all to the curb. Got home form work and in the garage were the busted blocks & buckets of bent gutter spikes. We went back & forth with this stuff until I caught the trash truck one morning and helped the collection guys toss it all in the back of the truck....
Every time I put up a new shelf or workbench I think it is the last one I'll need, especially in my tiny garage. But then after another week or two I find myself needing another one.