Shooting in Arizona



Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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Kalamazoo, Mi
Well it seems another wacko loser got his name in the news today by killing the congresswoman from Arizona and some others while she was talking at a Safeway Market in Tuscon today. What in the world is going on with people today?? If you disagree with someone, you feel you can fix it by putting a bullet in their head!!! This country is in deep trouble and it seems to only be getting worse! Please pray for the families that are hurting because of this idiots insane act!
Haven't heard yet. Being that close to the border and all the issues they've had down there, who knows if it's a illegal or not. It just makes me sick to think what this country is turning into!
It was told just a while ago that she has died! She was shot point blank in the head by this nut! I hope he gets his!!
There is another thread going on about this that has info on it. Anyway I really don't care who did it. Its not someone I want to know and I hope they make an example out of the stupid ignorant S.O.B. Throw him in with all the Terrorists and nuke em! Just saying. People like this make me sick.
We definetly need something! I don't have the answer, but one thing I do know, is that this country's courts and laws are waayyyyy to soft on criminals and the victims have less rights than the criminals. Someday, it could go back to vigilante justice in this country if criminals aren't put to death for these kinds of crimes. And NO, don't spend 30 years on death row waiting to die, but more like 30 minutes!
Do you think your country might need some gun laws,maybe,mrmopartech

No. I live 4 hours from the most dangerous sections of the U.S. and Mexican border. You can buy any gun you want off the black market down here. I'm sure this idiot that shot all these people could too. Making guns illegal around here will take the guns away from the honest hard working americans, not the terrorists, thugs, and criminals. Leaving the good people unable to defend them selves.
A nine year old child was shot and killed. The congresswoman has a thru and thru head wound but is expected to live.
The news must have reported it wrong in all the chaos about her dying. The poor family of the innocent child must be going through hell along with everyone else who was hurt!
When items like this happen there is often misinformation floating around. Seems it was a native 22 year old that did this. He is in custody.
I wonder if it was Sharron Angle's babble about "Second-Amendment remedies" for when an election doesn't go the way you want it to go that made him do it. Or was it Sarah Palin's gunsight-shaped targets overlaid on a map of the USA, showing where Democrats had been elected to office? Maybe a little of each.
Neither! The guy is a fricken nutcase. Insane....yes, but if he's smart enough to load a gun and smart enough to pull the trigger knowing that it will kill, then he should be put to death! End of nutcase, end of story! No insanity plea deal needed here!
Please tell me the waste-product that pulled the trigger blew his/her own brains out. Holy crap what a looser.

Thoughts and prayers to the injuered and those left behind. -LY
Here's an article.

Gist is Congresswoman alive, child and federal judge killed, gunman in custody. Gunman seems to be a nut job at this point.

IMHO we don't need to change laws, we need to make sure the laws we have work as intended. Although, I don't know where they will find twelve wackos to serve as this person's "jury of his peers". In any event, give the man a speedy trial with conclusive, properly obtained and handled, evidence and swift execution of sentence imposed by the court.
There had to be tons of witnesses. In a case like this where there is absolutely no doubt who the shooter is because 99 people watched him do it..........they should put a bullet into his brain by dinner time.

Quote: "Do you think your country might need some gun laws,maybe,mrmopartech "

Reply: This country does have gun laws. Paper rules dont stop law breakers from breaking the law. Paper rules stop law abiding citizens from breaking the law. Not sure why thats hard to see. In countries where guns are outlawed, the lawbreakers are the ones who have them. Nothing new.
TUCSON, Ariz. – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a meeting with constituents, killing at least five people and wounding several others in a rampage that rattled the nation.

Giffords was among at least 10 people wounded, and the hospital said her outlook was "optimistic" and that she was responding to commands from doctors. The hospital said a 9-year-old child was among the killed, and a U.S. Marshal said a federal judge was also fatally shot in the attack.

They need to hang this bastard high in the street and make an example out of him ....and they need to televise it for all to see imo...
Do you think your country might need some gun laws,maybe,mrmopartech

Yes, there needs to be a law that allows you to shoot criminals when they are threatening your safety, your property, or your family. Also there needs to be a law that takes guns away from criminals and enables law abiding citizens to have all the guns they want.