Shooting in PA ..



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
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va. beach, va
Anybody else read the yahoo article about the shooting today in PA ? .. Another sicko loose .. Sad news ... BUT........ did any of you zoom in on the photo ? somebodys front yard has a bunch of Mopar sitting curbside !
No I didn't hear about it and I live in pa. What the hell is wrong with people. Just another copy cat.
Read about it on Yahoo, supposedly none of the people were connected to each other. Another random act by another nut job ..
You will be hearing alot of this. The more the media expounds on every gun wheeling nut to prove a point. They'll probably try to link Mopars to guns and try and have them band also.

here is the article....yeah, looks like a mopar parking lot to me...I suspect they won't be there for long with this great advertising
I love the hood scoop on that Duster! Reminds me of the Jenkin's scoops in early 70's Pro/Stock cars! If ya get out that way, cut the scoop off for me, will ya?!! LOL

This kinda crap is going to continue as nobody wants to admit that mental patients can't be blended into society with just a few pills. All the mental institutions are being closed stating "paitent's rights" issues.

God Bless Us.
Only FABO can find the good in the bad, a Mopar slumber party!
Sadly, it is the world we live in today. We must learn to live with it while protecting ourselves if possible to stop it from happening around us.
Glad none of my weapons are registered. thank you VA ! Was telling my wife we need to buy a few more assault rifles, and case lots of ammo ! Get them while you can !!