Shop broke into

The nights are getting colder and it's getting darker much quicker.

This gives the restless kids prime opportunities to steal from people for the fun of it because they have nothing better to do than get high and steal stuff.

Rainy, stormy nights always have me on higher alert because that is the ultimate time to strike, and even the outside dogs can't hear the thieves racket on such nights.

I bought a couple battery operated remote warning sensors, I call them "Michael Jackson" sensors to warn me if anyone crosses certain thresholds on my property, and I've got some 00 buck ready for fun.
That sucks big time. I work hard for what I have and I'm sure you do also. Then some slacker comes along and walks off with it. Figure this one out. 2 months ago someone took a 9 1/4 rear for a power wagon from my buddies yard. No evidence of dragging or tire tracks. Had to be some big boys carrying that off. Hope they got double hernias. I also hope you find out who got your stuff.
Frank H.
Its not the country guys, its the bleeding heart farts up on their hills in their fancy homes that have guards around their homes and are protected from the ones that we hate so much. I have been outside this country for 28 years, 53 now, seeing the ins and outs of different styles of justice and courts. I have been to Abu Ghraib and seen it. I have watched Sadam in his own little prison with his garden and palm tree, I have seen his family visit him 3 times a week from the time that he was cought. Thats crap. Because the NICE PEOPLE of this contry think its bad for someone that has done what he has done should be treated badly by us. My god...its the same here...why should someone that has been bad in their past be punished for their misgivings. Why dont we just for give and forget. Thats why this country has the courts that we have now. The courts are afraid that they might step on some big snots toes by doing what they should do. So they just give a slight tap on the wrist and go with the flow. Justice is justice..but this system has failed and failed all the people that it was intended to protect...US.


Guys I worked in a large supermarket chain store and saw an old lady get her billfold snatched. I followed the lady thief trying to go out the ingoing door got her arm caught in the door and broke it. Yep the company got sued and the thief won but I got satisfaction. The last time I stopped a thief was when I caught her putting a small canned ham in a plastic bag. When I stopped her at the outgoing door she swung the bag with the ham at me but missed cause my fist broke her nose. I won that case (self defense) sure felt good. Bring back the vigilanties.
I feel your pain too .. I've been hit twice, and to make it worse, both times it was by someone I KNEW, but had no proof !!!

The first time was many years ago when a "friend" broke into my apartment and cleaned me out.. He was kind enough to remove the door glass in the window and put it back in on the way out..

The second time was harder to take .. This one was recent and "family" was involved.. Again, no proof, but I'd bet my last nickel on it ...

These days, all the keys are removed from vehicles and all the doors are locked.. There's surveillance cameras and recorders and alarms are next..

My kids will never know what it's like to not worry about leaving the doors unlocked... A thief or a liar?? Can't decide who I despise worse...

Hope you get your stuff back..

I've been ripped off although it has been years ago. I hate a thief. I'm not a spring chicken anymore and during our lives we meet many different people in our travels' Years ago I met a man that had killed 8 people. He got life in prison ( this was before life without parole ) and served 33 years for it. I had a lot more respect for him than I do a thief. He and 2 cousin's had a trailer they lived in and didn't get along with the people across the street. One day as he got out of the shower he heard gunshots and quickly left the bathroom and grabbed a shotgun and some shells. As he started up the hall, one neighbor came into the hall with a rifle and he shot him and kept heading for the living room. Another guy showed in the hall with a gun and he shot him. As he got to the living room the third guy saw him and ran for the door. He shot him in the back. That was when he found his cousins dead in the living room. He was so mad he got more shells and went across the street and kill 5 more. I'm sure he wasn't in his right mind when that happen. But the point was that after spending all those years in prison he couldn't stand a thief. He always said a thief has no morals.
00 buck shot is what they need but even rock salt will put you in jail unless you can prove they were attacking you or your family. Something is wrong with that.
I once heard about a guy that was attacked in his home one night buy a guy with a baseball bat. They fought and he got the bat and beat the thief. He got sued and lost because the thief said after the victim had the bat, there was no threat of danger and thief became the victim.