Show me your tachs!

Here's mine its really tiring mounting it this way lol


Just wondering how you use your turn signals.:-D
Never understood this tach under the dash would think going at speed its best to keep a good eye on the road....I like shift lights for that reason.

Never can tell whats ahead...I had some crazy stray dog come flying out from the side of the road once...I think I scare the poor thing screaming the motor out in top gear, lol....

To this day I'm not sure if I hit it or not...though I did but look for it and could not find it.I did slam the brakes on for a half second, maybe it slip away (was 20 years ago but still recall it)..if it would have been a deer oh oh...those things can fly though your windshield and take your head off.
I thought I would post a picture of my tach so everyone could have a good laugh. It came in a $200 truck I bought years ago for the engine. The plastic face cover is gone, but it works. The GPS in the pics doubles as my speedometer, since mine doesn't work. Do what you can on a budget, right?


I've got almost al the gauges in now.
I can't find the new picture of it so here is an older one.

Put my tach on the column.
Haven´t wired it in yet, did the mounting last night.

varvräknaren 002.JPG
Over 30 years and I've never had a tach in my GTX...If I were to put a tach in I'd put my old Moroso mechanical in the car just for the looks factor...
I mounted mine on the A pillar.

At first I didn't want the big Monster Tach and shift light, I used a smaller one that had a built in LED shift light in the face, but the tach and shift LED was too small and I never even notice it when going down the track. Now I understand why the Monster and shift light are so big.