Skin cancer....

My dad has had quite a few cancerous bits removed from his nose and other parts of his face. If it is caught early, there is a very high chance of beating it. Good luck!
My dad has had quite a few cancerous bits removed from his nose and other parts of his face. If it is caught early, there is a very high chance of beating it. Good luck!

My mother also had it on her nose. Since they caught it early she was able to have it done oit patient. They did a good job because it never came back as long as she lived.
Getting mine removed is going to screw up a tattoo........just have to get it fixed when it heals up....
Good luck Ink, hope it all works out for y'a.
My father used to go on a regular basis to get his cancers removed. There are different types, some are very slow growing and others like Melanoma are very dangerous and need to be taken out immediately. The doctor used some type of freezing gas to hit them and they would dry up and fall off. He had some melanomas cut out.

I wouldn't worry, he lived to be 88 and had those cancers for quite a while. His heart and kidneys got him before the skin cancer.
I have had quite a few surguries to remove basil cell skin cancer carsinoms's from areas around my temples, the back of my neck, chest, and back.
And right now i'm waiting to get in to see the skin doctor at the Mather VA Hospital, here in town, to cut out another one on my back, that needs to be taken care of.
Had bad problems with my skin, since my teen age years.
Guess i got bad dna, and genes, in the skin department, since day one, i guess.
Can't do much about it, except to keep watching myself, and get them taken car of when they show up.
Wishing the best for you Doug.
My Sister-in-law just had to have about 70% of her scalp removed because of skin cancer. She goes in next Tuesday and they are going to scrape one of the layers of her skull off, remove a muscle from her back, place it on her skull and hook it up to blood vessels that run through that layer of her skull. Then remove a skin graft from her hip to cover the muscle with.
She is scared sh**less and I can understand way. But at least they think they got all the cancer. I think it was called sarcoma.
Mine is a basil one, so they are not very concerned with it. Just p@sses me off it HAD to appear under my viking tattoo.....the one that the wife likes enough she wants my tattoo guy to change it around a bit, turn it into a woman holding a cancer ribbon type of deal...What makes me laugh about it is I am allergic to the sun, so most of my life I have always had my arms/legs covered when I have been outside. And since being tattooed about 10 years ago spend very little time outside uncovered......My face and neck on the other hand are always exposed and I have no troubles there.....
Folks don't get me wrong I know this is serious. Have to make light of it........have had enough stuff kicking me in the nuts the past few years....wife having breast cancer, being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, some other goofy *** auto immune disease sticking its nose into a few blood tests, shoulder surgery that traded one pain for a more severe one that pretty much has kept me awake for the past 9 weeks or so since having surgery.....I do appreciate the well wishes. Stan, what your Sister-in-law is going thru is absolutely unthinkable.....I wish her the best.....
Hopping/praying for the best Doug, I have had a couple removes from my head, and so fare all is well, I spent way to much time in the sun..
What tipped you off? was it like a lump or something that you just noticed? Did it come on quickly?
What tipped you off? was it like a lump or something that you just noticed? Did it come on quickly?
Started out looking like an ingrown hair but there was not one there, no pain just a itched a bit. After a few weeks it went away. Then overnight it reappeared and was seeping a bit of fluid. From then on it was just sort of like a scab. Pretty sure I have another spot on the tip of my nose, like a few other folks have mentioned. Has been dormant (I guess that would be the way to put it) for a long time so........One thing to keep an eye on, I just learned this the other day, is if you have any moles that are changing shape/color it is something to be concerned with. So if you do please go see a dermo. When they called today to tell me the news today the nurse told me that this type of growth is nothing to be overly concerned with, but it does need to be removed. She said that if it were the other type, a melanoma (?) they would want to see me asap to get it removed as it can spread very quickly. So PLEASE, if you have any doubts go see a dermo to be safe.......
Getting mine removed is going to screw up a tattoo........just have to get it fixed when it heals up....

Just recently had two spots removed,one from the inside corner of my eye (Basal ) and a Larger chunk (Squamous )from my lower lip.I don't have tatoos,but with the lower lip I have a fairly good amount of scar tissue,and I'm not sure how that would affect your tatoos.
Ya know, they can probably do a skin graft with some flesh off your butt. It would be like a clean slate for your tat guy.
Ya know, they can probably do a skin graft with some flesh off your butt. It would be like a clean slate for your tat guy.

Have you ever had a skin graft done ? I'm betting it's not going to happen that easy !! The one on my leg turns a nice brite Pink when exposed to any amount of sun !!!jm.02