Snake! back yard.

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Man. There is no reason to be that scared.

I'd love to find one that size around here.

But, as Rob said, we only have the little garter snakes around. I've found a couple around the yard at work so far this spring, but none at home yet. During the summer, I can find them all curled up in the water meter box. Really freaks the wife out.

That's the reason that I can't have a Boa Constrictor. If I did, then she'd get a Tarantula. I hate spiders.
I killed a 2 footer not long ago. I was tearing up plywood on a burned house and there it was lying on the floor insulation. I took the crow bar and killed it. I don't know what kind it was... it had diamond like markings down it's back. A fellow that looked at it said it was poisonous.

The snake you killed is a regular black snake. A king snake has a yellow ring around it's neck.

Hang it in a tree and it will start to rain. Old folk lore.
Yep..A black snake. They do eat mice and rodents...and squirrels...but somewhat harmless to humans. I've captured them away from the house on different jobs and brought em home and turned em loose in brush piles in the back yard which is a known harbor for field rats and mice. I'm sure they had plenty to eat. Speaking of hanging it in a tree...and it raining...Mike must have done that cause it's raining north of Mike now. Must be true.

Shelby: You do come on other forums besides the political one don't you.
Small Block
Yikes Snake!Hey Memike,I thought you would have diced it up for shishkabobs on the BBQ!LOL!That snake would have scared the daylights outta me.I would have done the same.
Memike, I hate to sound all preachy and PETA-like, especially since you did not enjoy doing it, but many snakes mate for life. If you kill one you are killing scores of them because you just killed a mating pair and all their potential descendents. Nature can be cruel and may cost you some squirrels but you really should not interfere. Too many squirrels sucks too. You have to take action if you find a dangerous species establishing itself on your property but you should leave the harmless ones alone. Just my two cents worth.

Those king snakes eat rattlesnakes.

Too many squirrels sucks too, I agree, But she was after a pair of flying squirrels that are rare and need protecting here on this hill. If she would have been away from them and down by the drive area or some where ells I would have ran and got my camera. I set at night some times and watch the little flyers come out to feed and it is a sight to see.
The brud chicken snake was heading for my flying squirrels and if I had chickens like my friend down the hill I would have had to take here out, when the time comes I may have to buy eggs from him to live and this big breeder had to go. Even though I know I was killing a good snake.
A harmless snake is like a harmless hawk,, What do they do for me and I have no great reason to kill them, They take care of the poison snakes.
I hope they see its time to rezone and my grand children and wife is not ready to get snapped at by a chicken snake just picking up the yard of a King snake that big :read2: I think I answered two post here.
I've seen more snakes on my mail route this year than ever. I must have stepped on a dozen of them already. Garter snakes and black racers mostly.
Used to only see 2 or 3 a year.
I think you did what you thought was right. I would not worry too much about it. If you are.

After I did I was not a happy camper. I could have just moved her along but she was about 12 feet up a tree heading for a nest of baby flying squirrels.


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Yeah a snake that size would`ve cleaned up a lot of rodents, arboreal or not. You should have spared him and shot the rodents.
i used to have a pet blue indigo that went everywhere wrapped on my cowboy hat. if you reached at it too fast it would bite the snot out of you. now theyre protected cause they kill rattlers and they turn them loose in the orange groves. Scariest i ever seen there was a rabid coon. now that is one fierce scary sucker.
Yes I made a decision and I will have to live with it, And I am happy I won't need to worry about this big dinosaur will not be setting in one of my wife's boxes of lamp fixtures to take a nip at here and make her sick,
This chicken snake carries all the bad germs and was big enough to draw blood if you got in her eating and ambush area's
This snake was large enough to have a big apatite and there is plenty of cats around to take care of the mice and field rats, She could smell the fresh born in the tree that I hold dear to me and don't crawl in my wife's work shop and make her scarred to be outside to do what she enjoys, Like I said, If she was not heading for the flying squirrels I would have just grabbed my camera.
I have captured these king snakes just to let loose under my old home place . But this one was going after something I did not want to see killed and eaten. Let your grand daughter or wife reach for a rock or a stick and get smacked by a diseased carrier that big and you will ether move it or shoot it so it will not harm you family, a flying squirrel will eat bugs and leave everyone alone, But a big dominant female King or chicken snake will hold there ground if they like the theater off food like new born blue birds and rodents as you call them. Heck I can keep them back myself here if need be.
But I enjoy setting and enjoying mother nature around me and it is very rare to have a nest of flying squirrels in your yard. They pose no threat and where here before I was. I do agree I could have let her have a feast on the new born , But I made my decision to protect them the only way I new I could.
The right thing was done memike......No worries about the snake that was infringing on your domain :toothy10:

On another note here, I have never seen a flying squirrel....Great pix 8)
Salmonella bacteria is usually shed in the animals faeces and sometimes their saliva ... so if you have a lizard walking around licking things or a snake and dragging it's body all over stuff you have potentially contaminate a large area of your home
or yard, No snakes allowed. I have a small dog that lives in our house and she don't need a 6' snake crawling and living in the yard.
Yeah a snake that size would`ve cleaned up a lot of rodents, arboreal or not. You should have spared him and shot the rodents.
I do agree 8) But I can eat squirrel and dumpling :cheers: very tasty and full of protein, I have never had snake and dumpling's.:toothy10:
Man. There is no reason to be that scared.
A guy that used to work for me asked me one time why I wasn't afraid of snakes. Couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they are usually just as afraid of him, if not more so, as he is of them. Just told him that I am 240 lbs bigger, almost as quick, and one helluva lot meaner than any snake he'll find in his yard. The subject never came up again. Never did figger out why he quit working for me the end of that week.8)
I can understand you enjoying your squirrels. They are much cuter than a snake. We are having issues with Canebrake Rattlesnakes here. I saw one on the path over a month ago sunning, it bolted before we got even close to it. They are all over the park where I walk my dog and because their habitat is being destroyed, more and more are forced into smaller areas now. Todays paper had an article about a new apartment complex that was built right by the park. 5 families have already broken their leases because Canebrake Rattlesnakes were found in or around their homes. Some people just don`t like snakes period, venomous or not and I understand that. They do serve an important part in the food chain though and can help to eliminate disease carried by mice and rats. King snakes can even consume venomous snakes so they are very good to have around. In the U.S., if you`re unsure as to whether a snake is venomous or not ,look at its eyes "cat eyes" are venomous and "round eyes" are non-venomous. The Coral snake is one exception to the rule, there may be others but for most every snake in the U.S. ,that`s the case. By and large, snakes are good to have around.
I have never been scared of snakes, I have captured many snakes to release some where, I have cought a ground rattler and took it to our Nature center 8) I just got over protective of my little friends and there new born.:happy10: The last chicken snake I moved was only about 3 feet and he or she was a hand full to control and very fast moving snake's, I new this one was very large and could have struck a hit at me easily if I could have reached her and got her out of the tree, Yep she was at lest 8 to ten lbs and I like my rodents that live in the trees. But like it was said befor she could help keep poison snakes off my property :angry7: I should have just let mother nature take it's course.

NOT :cheers:I would have thought about the 3 new born's getting eaten all night and felt bad if I did not jump in and save them.:happy10:
Hey Mike: When they're on your hill, you handle it like Mike would handle it. That's how i do it. Done deal......but you should have at least cut em up and eat em....they say it tastes like "Chicken". Tell Scamp it tastes like "Bacon" and he'll take it away from ya.
Killin' a snake was just a part of livin out in the styx. Killed many a black racer, chicken snakes, copperheads, water moccasins and cottonmouths.:yawinkle:
Mike don't sweat the small stuff or other peoples opinions.
If you felt the snake or anything else was or is a threat
to anything you love or hold dear--- BUST ITS ***!

I'd sure you'd feel a lot worse if the thing got your wife, kids or dog.
I'm sure nature will recover from the loss of a snake.

I was in my backyard lastyear and heard this squirrel going nuts about something. About the same time looked up in the tree he was in a huge black snake like the one in your photo feel from one of the branches. I tried to get a closer look, but that squirrel got between me and the snake and would not let me near it. That was the coolest thing I had ever seen.
Mike don't sweat the small stuff or other peoples opinions.
If you felt the snake or anything else was or is a threat
to anything you love or hold dear--- BUST ITS ***!

I'd sure you'd feel a lot worse if the thing got your wife, kids or dog.
I'm sure nature will recover from the loss of a snake.
You're kidding right? Unless his wife, kids, or dog are small rodents they have nothing to worry about.
Salmonella bacteria is usually shed in the animals faeces and sometimes their saliva ... so if you have a lizard walking around licking things or a snake and dragging it's body all over stuff you have potentially contaminate a large area of your home
or yard, No snakes allowed. I have a small dog that lives in our house and she don't need a 6' snake crawling and living in the yard.
Don't worry Mike, no dog is small enough for any non-venomous snake to be a threat to. Salmonella is really not much of an issue either. I can't even guess at how many poeple I have known who have had snakes, including me, and no one has ever had a problem. It can be present in their digestive tracts, not really in their saliva, but only if they have eaten something that was infected. Not all of them have it. The bigger threat with larger pet snakes is remembering to wash your hands after playing with the dog or cat because it makes you smell like food. I guy I used to work with found that out when trying to pick up his 10 foot boa after petting the dog. The snake released him pretty quickly when it realized he was too big to eat but he ended up needing a couple of stitches.
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