snowflake flipper and her charger

I disagree with the destruction of 2nd gen Chargers for personal amusement.
Ok so he basically lights his money on fire and and somehow he thinks the Mopar crowd are the losers? For me that 4G would be two months wages, or almost an entire years worth of groceries for two people; and we're the supposed losers? But even more bizarre is that he records the destruction, so that he is forever the captain of his corrupted foolish mind.. This is the epitome of foolishness not for the destruction only, but also for his inability to reason or comprehend the conclusion of his foolishness. And he blathers on and on about; "That's what we effing get".
Newsflash; it ain't the last Charger in the world. But since now there is one less, the value of all the others just went up.
I am so glad he ain't family.
But honestly; most flippers are users anyway. They are forever trying to take advantage of people, which is only one degree from flat-out stealing, and there is no place for thieves among the living in the hereafter.Get a real job.
Well one good thing might come of his foolishness; he says he's done with Mopars. Amen.
Well one good thing might come of his foolishness; he says he's done with Mopars. Amen.
Here's another good thing that come from it: he posted his name up there with that video, which means next time he tries to sell something everyone who has seen this will do a 180 and spend thier money elsewhere

Eh, AMD makes a panel for that.

Edit, I highly doubt that the video creator:
A. Legitimately acquired the vehicle.
B. Advertised the vehicle legitimately when selling.
C. Legitimately got any respect for asking $10k for the vehicle.
Probably wasn't worth the $4200.00 he paid and he expected to double his money, his stupidity, his loss, maybe he learned something.
Well he sure taught all of the lowballers a lesson, didn't he!
What an idiot.