So a guy demanding change assaulted me outside a movie theater....



1971 Dodge Dart Swinger
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
Williams Lake, BC, Canada
So I went out to see Iron Man 3 last night. Pretty good. After leaving the theater though I was stopped by a man wanting change. Demanding change actually. He actually put his hand to my chest and pushed me back when I said I didn't have change for him and tried to walk past. So I did the only thing I could. I took a quarter out of my pocket and told him if he called it, he could have it. When I flicked it into the air the guy tried to push me with his left hand while reaching for the coin with his right hand. So I grabbed his right wrist with my left hand, grabbed his left shoulder with my right hand, stuck my right leg behind his, then just flipped him backwards over my hip and down onto the sidewalk. I did this fast enough that he beat the quarter to the sidewalk. A witness came along and I told him I was going home because I was tired. I gave the witness my phone number and address in case anyone called the RCMP, although the other couple witnesses were laughing. I left the guy there with the quarter lying beside him. Granted now I can't sleep....

If you can't seem to visualize what happened, in essence I did this:

[ame=""]Osoto guruma - YouTube[/ame]

Only difference is I threw a little more hip into and and used my upper body to pretty much slam him down onto the sidewalk and ended with my knee to his chin. Who says training doesn't come in handy?
My wife wouldda just shot him.
where do you get that kinda of training ......i need to do self defense training....that is so scary the thought of weirdos in the most unsuspecting places.

i am at the movie theater with my friends sometimes so that is scary.

do you have to be a big person to do these moves? 4'10" 93 lbs so would training even do me any good.

i always wanted to know how to box like Oscar Se La Hoya .....but not sure if its physically possible.

Glad to hear you got the upper hand and that guy didnt do anything to you some ppl need to get a life
where do you get that kinda of training ......i need to do self defense training....that is so scary the thought of weirdos in the most unsuspecting places.

i am at the movie theater with my friends sometimes so that is scary.

do you have to be a big person to do these moves? 4'10" 93 lbs so would training even do me any good.

My training was from my line of employment for awhile.

Anyways, no, you don't need to be big to do stuff like this. In fact, I was teaching my dad, he's not as big as me but he's a fighter. Anyways he was surprised how easily that move was to take him down. It literally takes no effort.

Jiu-Jitsu is a decent Martial Art to learn and size doesn't matter:


But if you want to learn something "serious", I would suggest something like Defendo. Defendo is Combato without actually learning to kill (no seriously). The next step up is Krav Maga. Look for the real Krav Maga, not the self defense one but the true Israeli version. Then the only thing I really count above that is Combato which they teach to the military. It involves more breaking bones and necks :D
Rani learn smith and wesson.

Seriously, both my nieces are black belts in Tae Kon Do. One is 4th degree decided, the other 5th. The largest of the two is about your size. I am 6'2" and 260 and I wouldn't jump on either of them with two of me. They would kick my ***. Twice. So yeah training will do you some good.
where do you get that kinda of training ......i need to do self defense training....that is so scary the thought of weirdos in the most unsuspecting places.

i am at the movie theater with my friends sometimes so that is scary.

do you have to be a big person to do these moves? 4'10" 93 lbs so would training even do me any good.

i always wanted to know how to box like Oscar Se La Hoya .....but not sure if its physically possible.

Glad to hear you got the upper hand and that guy didnt do anything to you some ppl need to get a life
You're in your late 20's right? Go get a 9mm pistol and a conceald weapons permit. Thats what I'm doing the day I turn 21.
You're in your late 20's right? Go get a 9mm pistol and a conceald weapons permit. Thats what I'm doing the day I turn 21.

im 26 ....but i am not a US citizen so im not allowed to have or fire a gun ......even though i do go with my cousin who is a citizen and he lets me fire the .22 on a rifle range but thats only bcoz we on our own private property and he is responsible for me. and at that the .22 is too much for me.

so the self defense is going to have to work for me....hopefully i wont need it though
Yeah, but they're entitled...oh wait, oops.

well ever since C Springs passed an ordinance to get rid of your street beggers....they seem to have discovered the North side of Pueblo......i am seeing more than ever around Tinseltown in Eagleridge and Pueblo Mall area. :banghead:

you guys need to keep them in Acacia park LMAO ....J/K
im 26 ....but i am not a US citizen so im not allowed to have or fire a gun ......even though i do go with my cousin who is a citizen and he lets me fire the .22 on a rifle range but thats only bcoz we on our own private property and he is responsible for me.

so the self defense is going to have to work for me....hopefully i wont need it though

Krav Maga was desigend by the Israelies. They use it on a day to day. It works. That is what I would suggest. It takes the best parts of EVERY martial art and trims away the showiness and is straight defense and suvival.

Or if you can find it, Defendo works too. It is a trimmed down version of Combato which is taught to militaries around the world.

The far easiest to learn is Judo though. It's easy and it works. It won't specifically teach you how to combat against weapons, but against straight hand to hand, it works.
That only helps if you area always in a place that allows concealed carry.... :D

Yeh.......and at least many theaters do NOT. My understanding is that the theater tragedy in CO was one such corporate owned outfit (Cinemark/ Century). Yeh. THAT was safe.

I once stopped by a friend's place, had been going somewhere else, and he and another friend were in the yard. The third guy noticed my sidearm and says

"You carry that thing EVERYWHERE?"

I told him "If you don't carry it everywhere, you might as well not carry it anywhere."

There ARE businesses I don't frequent because they have a "no weapons" policy. Since that means that I must endanger the community by leaving mine in say, the trunk of the car, either of which could be stolen, "I don't."
You're in your late 20's right? Go get a 9mm pistol and a conceald weapons permit. Thats what I'm doing the day I turn 21.

Concealed is the way to go, I carry every where I go no questions asked and My wife does also, And nobody even knows that's what's good about it, we even have them in our cars, double the protection:thumblef::thumblef:
where do you get that kinda of training ......i need to do self defense training....that is so scary the thought of weirdos in the most unsuspecting places.

i am at the movie theater with my friends sometimes so that is scary.

do you have to be a big person to do these moves? 4'10" 93 lbs so would training even do me any good.

i always wanted to know how to box like Oscar Se La Hoya .....but not sure if its physically possible.

Glad to hear you got the upper hand and that guy didnt do anything to you some ppl need to get a life

There are many good disciplines and instructors out there, and there are also unfortunately many not so good. Do everything you can to research schools in your area before making the commitment to train there. As a rule, I would avoid schools with instructors claiming and advertising high black belt ranking in 5 or 6 disciplines and offering instruction in all of them. Find a school and instructor that focuses on one discipline or system. Be sure that their training is reality based self defense, and not training that largely promotes sport or point style training elements, because you WILL fight like you train.
I didn't want to actually strike him in case he would go crying to the police about assault :D
you did enough for him to go crying to the police for assault*

*other than the fact that he started the physical contact, so you were defending yourself-but if you did what you did to someone who didn't deserve it, you could be charged with assault just as surely as if you'd punched him in the head. Which would work too:D
Wow thats funny. My dad had the T Tops off his 82 Capri and was at a light and a bum started to climb into the car askin for change so he through some at him and ran the redlight to get away