So a guy demanding change assaulted me outside a movie theater....

Its amazing that so many people want to instantly resort to guns. WTF!? I support gun ownership, but stuff like that is why people get heavy on the gun control bandwagon.

Its an unarmed bum. Learn to fight and if you're small/lazy: pepperspray/taser.
Rani learn smith and wesson.

Seriously, both my nieces are black belts in Tae Kon Do. One is 4th degree decided, the other 5th. The largest of the two is about your size. I am 6'2" and 260 and I wouldn't jump on either of them with two of me. They would kick my ***. Twice. So yeah training will do you some good.

I think the smith and Wesson would dwarf her though! Lol just joshin rani
Its amazing that so many people want to instantly resort to guns. WTF!? I support gun ownership, but stuff like that is why people get heavy on the gun control bandwagon.

Its an unarmed bum. Learn to fight and if you're small/lazy: pepperspray/taser.

It's the widely recognized Principle of Self-Defense. If you believe you are in imminent (not immediate, but imminent) danger of serious bodily harm or death, you are entitled to use Deadly Force. On a number of documented occasions, people who carry firearms, myself among them, have been able to stop an attack simply by displaying the firearm. Just because you draw your pistol doesn't mean you're going to discharge it.
Your assumption the "bum" is "unarmed" is just an assumption. Many homeless/street dwellers carry knives for their own self-defense against the maggots who prey upon them.
Your solution of "Learn to fight and if you're small/lazy: pepperspray/taser" isn't applicable to a number of people who are unable to access pepper spray and/or a taser. Not bad alternatives, but suggesting one needs to learn to fight to protect oneself against spontaneous assaults from "bums" is a bit juvenile. Firearms are the Great Equalizer. Buy a pistol, learn how to use it, and get a concealed carry permit if available and you're good to go.

It's the widely recognized Principle of Self-Defense. If you believe you are in imminent (not immediate, but imminent) danger of serious bodily harm or death, you are entitled to use Deadly Force. On a number of documented occasions, people who carry firearms, myself among them, have been able to stop an attack simply by displaying the firearm. Just because you draw your pistol doesn't mean you're going to discharge it.
Your assumption the "bum" is "unarmed" is just an assumption. Many homeless/street dwellers carry knives for their own self-defense against the maggots who prey upon them.
Your solution of "Learn to fight and if you're small/lazy: pepperspray/taser" isn't applicable to a number of people who are unable to access pepper spray and/or a taser. Not bad alternatives, but suggesting one needs to learn to fight to protect oneself against spontaneous assaults from "bums" is a bit juvenile. Firearms are the Great Equalizer. Buy a pistol, learn how to use it, and get a concealed carry permit if available and you're good to go.

Key being: SERIOUS.

Learning self defense to protect yourself from a homeless person/mugger/drunk idiot at a bar/etc: Juvenile
Buying a gun so you can shoot an unarmed person incase of a spontaneous assault: Not juvenile?

What backwards hell hole allows access to firearms and CCWs and not pepper spray/tasers? Even in a strict state like here in Ca its very very easy to obtain pepper spray and/or a taser/stun gun.

My feeling on this subject: if you carry, you need to be held at the same standards as police officer. Does a cop go straight to pull out his gun and threatening to shoot someone when things get physical? No, because there is a reasonable protocol to follow.
While I dont live in a area that has lots of panhandlers... their are situations such as these that one needs to be aware of. Who knows if the person asking for change is on crack or meth ? I was informed of a great "avoidance" move. As the key is to avoid these people and move on. Take a match book and a 1 dollar bill and wrap the bill around the match book with a rubber band. Then when askedfor change pull it out and show the person and drop it on the ground.... they will pick it up... everytime... as you move down the road.
Now.... get even better at this.... go get some of that play money that looks pretty close... like I use $5.00 one that actually is a advertisement on it... but the edges all look like a 5 buck bill..... fold it properly and no one is the wiser.... and put it around the match book.... drop and avoid that person all together... they will stop to pick up that 5 spot.... just make sure your gone when they open it up. The real $1.00 bill works good as well...

just food for thought... I carry.... but thats the last thing I want to do for someone that will bend down for a buck.

No confrontation is the best confrontation.

Its amazing that so many people want to instantly resort to guns. WTF!? I support gun ownership, but stuff like that is why people get heavy on the gun control bandwagon.

Its an unarmed bum. Learn to fight and if you're small/lazy: pepperspray/taser.

People have the right to defend themselves any way possible. I happen to be disabled. I don't have the option to fight like Bruce Lee. I say WTF to you for coming on here tellin people what to do. It's really none of your business.
Originally Posted by mech1nxh
does Your Wifee have a Sister???

Nope. She's one of a kind.

Hey , don't start---

I was thinking a membership to Front Sight...

More Patriot's . that is all.
Don't start what? What are you talkin about? I just said I had a one of a kind. How is that starting anything?
The CCW laws here in Colorado are very specific in regards to when you can use or brandish your weapon.

First of all, you cannot shoot an unarmed person, even if they are bashing your head against the curb. There are two exceptions to this rule.... You CAN stop a kidnapping or rape regardless of wether or not the perpatrator is armed.

Second, you cannot "transition to open carry" (display that you are armed) unless the perp is armed. For example, lets say I'm walking my dogs and three dirt bags come walking toward me. I see them whispering to each other and one loser open his jacket and there's a gun in his pants. At that point I can pull my shirt or jacket aside to display that I'm armed. Same deal if they pull a knife, or are carrying chains, baseball bats, bottles, etc.

Just food for thought.
Yeah but that sucks because who the hell is gonna warn you they are armed? By the time all that goes down, you're dead meat. That's one law I would break hell out of.
Yeah but that sucks because who the hell is gonna warn you they are armed? By the time all that goes down, you're dead meat. That's one law I would break hell out of.

Yeah, that's a tough call and one reason I don't like ankle holsters, too hard to get to. One thing they told us in CCW class is to get a good lawyer... Chances are that if they are dirtbags with a record, they are NOT going to whip out their cell phones and call the cops on me for a transition to open carry (which, incendently, is legal in most places in Colorado anyway. Most people don't know it though.).
A lot of this agressive pan handling goes away when you live in an area that allows concealled carry.......
A lot of this agressive pan handling goes away when you live in an area that allows concealled carry.......

I work in a lot of cities, that's not true at all. "aggressive bum" behavior comes down to the individual bum. Ca is the least CCW friendly state. I've never had a bum try to get violent/aggressive with me.
People have the right to defend themselves any way possible. I happen to be disabled. I don't have the option to fight like Bruce Lee. I say WTF to you for coming on here tellin people what to do. It's really none of your business.

That's why they invented tasers and pepper spray.

Pardon me for offering sane solutions as alternatives to the insane solutions. I just think people rely way too heavily on guns
That's why they invented tasers and pepper spray.

Pardon me for offering sane solutions as alternatives to the insane solutions. I just think people rely way too heavily on guns

I choose neither of those and that's my right. It's also your right to call it "insane", but you're wrong.
That's why they invented tasers and pepper spray.

Sadly in Canada we cannot carry firearms, pepper spray, or tasers.

For work I have carried firearms and my "hand to hand" training was due to work as well.

But citizens walking the street have a hard time when it comes to self defense and the law.
Be easier and more fun to punch him in the throat.
we think alike Daredevil LOL ... I am a big supporter of learning a defense but in your case Rani you will always be at a disadvantage because of your very small size ,But you can still be the best you can be just don't think it is a silver bullet my wife is 105lbs and is 4 foot 10 and put women almost twice her size down but she would be the first to tell you how as a young women she was knocked unconscious with one blow to the head by a man/punk my point is you need a back up plane she go's nowhere without here mace/pepper spray now... or with me LOL