So tragic.....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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If she sleeps with two bass players, that is at least eight strings, which beats out any six or seven string picker, unless we are talking about the bass drummer.
So does this mean the the band pecking order is as follows:

1. Lead singer.

2. Lead Guitar player.

3. Keyboard player.

4. Drummer.

5. Bass player.

Maybe the bass player went bass fishing....

So does this mean the the band pecking order is as follows:

1. Lead singer.

2. Lead Guitar player.

3. Keyboard player.

4. Drummer.

5. Bass player.

You'd have a hard time convincing Gene Simmons of that order. lol
My brother used to play bass before he went to keyboards. The flair definitely favored the lead singer or lead guitar.
Krystal was the band back then. Mainly rock (Hatchet, REO, Journey, etc.) The lead singer and guitarist are brothers. They left for Nashville some years ago and are still there. Maybe some have seen them?

Check out what they are doing these days..................!__video
Ummm, I play the bass, guitar, drums, banjo, accordion and mandolin! I'm not trying to get laid, but if I was, I sure wouldn't use any of the above EXCEPT the bass! See, I play the upright, a very large "unit", and the girls know it! Plus, upright is just dripping with cool, is interactive, and well, let's face it, chicks dig it!! Ha, take that guitarists!!! Geof
So tragic...... Its a damn shame! The funny part is it was broadcasted, or was she "broad"casted? Sadly, the humiliation of it, being written is the best............ LMAO
You ask me I'd say the Bass player made out just fine :thumrigh:
Luckily for the rest of the band they were spared the STD's that now ravage the Bass players genitals.

Sometimes it's good to be the odd man out. :D