So upset with my wife she is killing me here

wow.....glad I'm not the only one going through that crap. At least I have a secret paypal account she don't know about, and when I order stuff I have it sent to work.

This sounds way to familiar! lol
After spending nearly 6 years trying to have a child I have absolutely no sympathy for you. Sell the car, if it is taking time away from your new family.

I figured your little man would be wearing a Mopar onese. Congrats!!!
I got heckled for buying the Dougs headers. But she ended up giving me 200 towards them for a x-mas present. After she got her diamonds earings. Ha!
She is a saint folks this was all meant in fun. I am taking time away from my car not time away from my family. I spend less time at work because the kid is here. I have gone from going to work on the car every weekend to once a month if I'm lucky and I'm happy to do it because this little man needs me more then I need the car. Her freeze on me was to keep me from buying something I might already be getting next weekend and ruining my Christmas gift from her.
Het what can I say...KIDS ARE WORTH IT!!!!!!!

At least you havent been waiting 17 years,lol...

She is right about banning parts around xmas. Money is always tighter this time of year and parts would make it worse.Maybe also she IS getting you something for xmas that is mopar oriented. That would be a cool wife. Mine has never done something like that..
There is a way around this. I have a newer baby as well. I have as second job just for a few hours on the weekends and I use that money and only that money for car parts. My regular paycheck is for bills and what not and I rarely dip into it for car parts without tell my wife. So with my second job I have $100 a week for parts. But during Christmas it does put a strain on all the finances. So here is the thing. Work on the things you have parts for and after Christmas then work on the things you need to buy. I find that a lot of men walk on eggshells around their wives. But ive found that if your always honest and tell them your plans it works out better for the both of you. I tell my wife what I’m buying and when I’m buying this isn’t asking permission but simply letting her know.
Women are usually the voice of reason, as painful as that is to say and accept #-o You have bigger priorities than the car, you'll get to it.
No this isn't a money issue I only spend side job money on the car and she knows that one. She knows I have a list of parts written on the whiteboard in the garage and she is getting something off that list while I am getting everything else but she wont tell me what it is off of the list that she is buying.
see in my house the weekends are for me to work on the car. the kids hang out with mom. I have them all week long as my wife is working untill after they are in bed. and i get off work early befre they get out of school. so we spend all afternoon together we cook dinner together, and play games. they rairly see mom except for about an hour in the morning and then on as long as there is nothing planned for the family i am free to work on the car. and most weekends the stuff is planned for mommy/daughter time anyway, so it works well for us.

when it comes to buying car wife does not care want i buy. she just asks that the bills are paied, and the necessitys are covered. and that she has money to take the girls out once and a while. so it leaves enough money left for parts. my current problem is that i have a huge pile of parts and not enough time to install them. so the part purchases have slowed way down.
Enjoy this time, as your son gets older and older you will be less and less cool and he will want to hang out with his friends more and more...then you will have time for your car.


She is a saint folks this was all meant in fun. I am taking time away from my car not time away from my family. I spend less time at work because the kid is here. I have gone from going to work on the car every weekend to once a month if I'm lucky and I'm happy to do it because this little man needs me more then I need the car. Her freeze on me was to keep me from buying something I might already be getting next weekend and ruining my Christmas gift from her.
Enjoy this time, as your son gets older and older you will be less and less cool and he will want to hang out with his friends more and more...then you will have time for your car.


I still think my dads cool and Im almost 20, but since I went to college, he has more time for his projects........all 3 of them
I can't believe how much dumber I get as my kids get older, and how much smarter my parents are than I thought they were.
My wife told me to order some things I needed\wanted for the Swinger, and that would be my Christmas presents. And when the box showed up on the door I ripped it open and started to install on the car. She got pissed because it was for Christmas. But I did get some cool stuff I needed. Now in January I will have plenty of time to work on the car since I am getting laid off on Jan 3. And the my daughter will be in school and wife at work. So I will have 4 days of "hony do" list and 3 days to work on the car. Now what days to do what?

Surey there is something you can do for the car without having to buy parts, can't you. Good luck, just sit back and wait for the right time to open then enjoy.
I'm in a pickle here too.

Lots of you know it's been a few years since Santa visited our house; Billy and I haven't exchanged gifts since 2004 (thank you Hurricane Katrina). Well, this year I've been trying to save some money in the paypal account that he didn't know about so I could get him something cool.

A couple weeks ago he found a really sweet old International pickup truck for a good price four miles away. He did some work on a mini chopper for a local kid and sold some parts and was trying hard to get the truck, but he was still a couple hundred short. I surprised him with a paypal transfer to the bank account and the necessary cash to complete the deal. Merry Christmas baby!!! :-D

Whew, I'm covered, I helped get him something cool that he wants.

He calls the guy the night before the transfer and talks for a half hour. He finds out he was misled about the title; it has some serious deal-killing issues that are going to outweigh the cost of the truck, and he changes his mind about buying it and hangs up.

I'm in the basement and hear him upstairs on the phone ... with Summit. Ordering a dual exhaust setup on the debit card. For my Cuda.

It's awesome and everything that he's trying to help me finish my car, but what didn't occur to him was that I now have no cash for his present since he's using it to buy MY present. LMAO!!!!! Anybody want to buy a PSC t-shirt??? I have a 3X I can auction off. :-D

WOMEN!!!! MEN!!!!!!!! Harumph!!! What're we gonna do with 'em???

I will start the bidding at 25.
The two words I used were "GET OUT!" But, I don't recommend that. My projects are coming along great but my heart hurts.
Ok so I have very little time to work on my car with the new baby in the house. Now to make things worse I had planned on going over and working on the engine this weekend but unfortunately I have been put on a parts purchasing freeze until Christmas and this puts a damper on things (she wants to buy me something for the car but wont tell me what) so here I am sitting with my hands closed because I need several things to get her running but she wont let me.

I love this woman.

Just Chill. The extra time you spend waiting will make the end result even sweeter. This will probably turn out to be you best Christmas ever. Congrats! :thumbrig:
I don't care what the REAL men say. My motto is, Happy Wife - Happy Life. P/Whipped? Maybe, but I hunt and fish when I want and we have 3 A bodies. She never says a word as long as I stay out of the saloon and the only woman I'm chasin is her, and that's a whippin I'll take every time!!!
The old saying remains the same "You made your bed now you sleep in it" Not trying to be a smart arse. I've sort of been down this road and never wish to venture down that road again.
The two words I used were "GET OUT!" But, I don't recommend that. My projects are coming along great but my heart hurts.

i did the same thing, i don't know if you were being serious with your statement. I put my life and hobbies off for like 2-3 years. Its nice to be able to work on my cars, have friends over to the garage, etc. with no complaining or expectations. But i also wasn't married or have a kid. It felt as i was married. At 22 theres time left.. lol