So ya'all thought this EPA threat was "empty?"



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By Kenric Ward Published March 16, 2016
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A “power grab” by the Environmental Protection Agency threatens to crash America’s amateur car-racing industry without putting so much as a dent in climate change, warns the chairman of the House Space, Science and Technology Committee.

The EPA’s move to regulate emissions on non-road racing vehicles contradicted agency administrator Gina McCarthy’s earlier testimony that the EPA did not have authority over non-road race cars and motorcycles.

EPA officials said they are “clarifying” emissions law, yet the Clean Air Act has long exempted non-road vehicles used in competition. The agency has not made a similar move against NASCAR or other professional race circuits.

“The EPA cannot assume powers that Congress hasn’t given,” Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, said at an Oversight Subcommittee hearing Tuesday. The Texas Republican accused the agency of “unlawful regulation (conducted) without proper notice.”

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-North Carolina, introduced a bipartisan bill, HR 4715, to block the EPA’s action. Texas Democrat Henry Cuellar is among the co-sponsors.
Man I hope they don't shut down street outlaws... them okc boys tear up them texas boys... lmao.. just kidding Mt.. The EPA is a rogue agency only a lib could support.
I'll say this. It'll be a cold day in HELL before this county's Sheriff's department upholds any kinda laws like that. lol
There's good info on the SEMA site. Also a link to send your concerns to your representatives. Please don't take this lightly. These eco /power Nazis are dangerous.
I'll say this. It'll be a cold day in HELL before this county's Sheriff's department upholds any kinda laws like that. lol

if such B S ever takes place, I will bet with RRR, a lot will depend where you live, state and/or county.

a county sherrif is just another elected politician, his job is different in he gets shot at occasionally. elected is keyword. if the majority of that county is against the b s of such an EPA deal, the EPA would have a struggle enforcing such.

personally, I hate to think what "life" might be like in 40 yrs? 20 years?
Doesn't sound to me like the "county" was even involved in this. The article described this as an EPA "power grab"
Doesn't sound to me like the "county" was even involved in this. The article described this as an EPA "power grab"

Right. But who do you think they will use as their arm of the law? Local LEO.

Make no mistake, I am not taking this lightly. Just saying how things are here. I have heard Sheriff Reece hisself say that if it comes to confiscating guns, his department will NOT be on the government's side. So I can only imagine how he will react to this.........especially since he is a car guy.
Ted Cruz has long opposed EPA over reach!

perfect politician receipe????/:

the perfect politician? chop off all the good parts, threw the bad parts in the garbage where it belongs..... mold it all together, but it took 6-8 politicians for thus. LOL

really why is a govn't agency such as EPA given all mighty total power over bout everything and everyone.. !? they answer really to NO ONE!?????/

be nice when the last 2 candidates have their "debates" and some news person asks some questions as this , their view on EPS for instance!!????

disclamer: no this is not a "policitcal ' thread!! back to the regular scheduled discussion...
Paging Leadfoot.....your own liberal agency trying to derail the very reason you're on this page.......................
Hell to the no to this. Reminds me of the I-594 that got passed here; unenforceable.