Society/Respect & Ethics



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2007
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Hemet, California
Is out society reeling out of control? I ask this guys because of an incident that occurred today which leaves me questioning the validity that we are a nation in decline. First off let me say that I live next door to my Grandparent's ranch over here in Southern California. Since my Grandfather's health has been on a steady decline I have now taken sole duty of the tractor work on their fourteen acre property.
Okay while taking a break work some guy and a lady drive up to our produce stand and ask if they could go to the back of our property to retrieve a kite they lost. Well I politely tell them that due to theft and previous trespassing I cannot let them go back there. However I do agree to go back there myself and see what I can find. Upon doing so some guy who looked like a cheap look a like from Aerosmith says these words to me. "Okay buddy I'll just jump the wall and go back there myself"........Well for some reason it really set me off. I told the guy that if he does I'll call the police and cite him for trespassing. He then said "I don't care buddy go ahead"....I then said that if I caught him back there we would have some major problems. His wife stepped in and told him to relax, gave me their number, and said to call them if I find the kite. I found their kite, which was not even on my property and called them to go retrieve it. I told the lady that I hope her husband doesn't follow through with his threats because I really do not want to go there. What is up with people?
In Colorado you can shoot a trespasser in certain counties with zero reprecussions. There are signs on some roads warning to the hazzards of opening gates and jumping fences... These laws go way back to the cattle rustling days but have never been repealed.

You need to move here...
I would have been pissed too. People have no respect. As for the kite, I'd say that due to the comment, they lost it.
In Colorado you can shoot a trespasser in certain counties with zero reprecussions. There are signs on some roads warning to the hazzards of opening gates and jumping fences... These laws go way back to the cattle rustling days but have never been repealed.

You need to move here...

Now that is my kind of place!!! However I might be the wrong color for Colorado being that I'm Mexican. Are there a lot of ranch owners out there who are Mexican? Either way it sounds like respect for a man's hard work is rewarded out there.
Alot of people now a days have no respect for anything, starting with thier parent, when kids don't learn respect from thier folks grow up with no respect for anything.
A stranger came out of the woods and ran into me not long ago. I'm fairly certain he was planning to steal something out of the basement thinking I had left it open and un attended. Surprise to him , wasn't me on the riding mower on the other side of the house.
He told a wild story of how he lost his grandfathers ring when running from the police a few days earlier.
I walked into the basement and picked up a crowbar, stepped back out and instructed him to march his *** right back away from here the way he came.
"Oh and by the way, that camera there took your picture every 7 seconds."
i dont think he'll be back but I know for a fact he didn't run across my place a few nights earlier. :)
I read stuff like this and it just makes me more convinced:

The more I get to know people, the more I love my cats.
A stranger came out of the woods and ran into me not long ago. I'm fairly certain he was planning to steal something out of the basement thinking I had left it open and un attended. Surprise to him , wasn't me on the riding mower on the other side of the house.
He told a wild story of how he lost his grandfathers ring when running from the police a few days earlier.
I walked into the basement and picked up a crowbar, stepped back out and instructed him to march his *** right back away from here the way he came.
"Oh and by the way, that camera there took your picture every 7 seconds."
i dont think he'll be back but I know for a fact he didn't run across my place a few nights earlier. :)

No respect, none at all.
I agree, society as a whole has gone down the toilet. Young people have no respect, business's treat employees like pieces of meat, the goverment and society cram homosexuality down normal peoples throats, ethics have all but dissapeared.
I can only imaging where we will be 20yrs from now! I probably wont be around to see it, but really feel for my kids and grandkids.
Sorry for the rant.
I agree, society as a whole has gone down the toilet. Young people have no respect, business's treat employees like pieces of meat, the goverment and society cram homosexuality down normal peoples throats, ethics have all but dissapeared.
I can only imaging where we will be 20yrs from now! I probably wont be around to see it, but really feel for my kids and grandkids.
Sorry for the rant.

You know what really sucks kocuda? I'm only 35 years old but the other day this thought went through my mind. Let me run it by you and see if you get what I mean. I truly feel that if I'm lucky enough to live into my late 70's or 80's that I'll be glad to go on to the next life due to society being so crappy. I mean think, it's bad now and is only going to get worse. I'll want to leave at that point.
Now that is my kind of place!!! However I might be the wrong color for Colorado being that I'm Mexican. Are there a lot of ranch owners out there who are Mexican? Either way it sounds like respect for a man's hard work is rewarded out there.

Lot's Mexican ranch owners out here, no worries, you'd fit right in. 8) The biggest problem out here is getting water. Drilling is expensive.