Something to ponder


Mark Wainwright

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 4, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
Are we becoming more anti-social

I have to wonder if anti social is why when I am trying to buy another old project, the younger crowd and many times the older than younger crowd can not talk on the phone. Is just a result of the damn computer age? Are they gutlss pussies? What?????? All texting, drive nuts. I want to TALK to the seller, I wan tto look at guy in the eye also and decide IF he is forthcoming or a lying SOB.
Those in favor of all that stuff would argue how much closer it has brought us all. I don't see it. I agree. I think it's pushing us farther away from ourselves.
Would really like to see some ideas on how to counter this on here
Electromagnetic pulse....LOL.

I've noticed younger folks, maybe 25 and under, have a REALLY hard time making/keeping eye contact, and I think it's only going to get worse as we grow apart as a society. That bugs the heck outta me. Eye contact between two people communicating is so important for establishing trust, relaying feelings, etc.

Regarding text versus phone calls -- I'm okay texting for certain types of non-urgent messages ("Be there in 5 minutes," "Grab some beer while you're out," "Here's a photo of my genitals") but as @barbee6043 mentioned, important conversations like when you're buying something or negotiating a deal, voice wins every time.
Two years of work from home, education from home, due to COVID didn't help.
My wife teaches (online only, because of the social decline you mentioned) and said cheating and entitlement are rampant in that environment.
The talking econ heads all exclaim as to just how screwed up the Covid shutdown made the country and already weak people.

Now all you hear is equity, equality, sustainability and all the other curren "correct"t words. No one is expected to produce, no one is expected to be a leader of anything, no one should WANT to work HARD, everyone should get a damn participation trophy!!

Give it 5-10 years and WE will be taken over by China from outward and from the inside. We are weak and getting weaker and we elect crooks that sell us out. Half the voting register are morons that read by picture..
The Farmer's Market restaurant here has a sign I like..."Many people miss opportunity, because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
The Farmer's Market restaurant here has a sign I like..."Many people miss opportunity, because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
I remember wayyyy back when I was a kid in SW Ga. the 60s. The guy that owned to local feed store and a fair amount of land, cattle, crops, etc. was a big ole country type, wore bib overalls every day and a straw hat. One day he took the trip up to downtown Atlanta and checked into a fancy hotel and tried to pay with a check. The clerk politely told him they only accepted cash or credit card. He just said, son please call my banker at this number and he will tell you my check is good. After all this got passed thru 3-4 hotel guys, one called his banker and the banker simple said:"I suggest you take is check before you piss him off and he buys our damn bank and fires your whole bunch." True story and I bet it has happened to many.