Sometimes brand loyalty really sucks....

We have a 2014 Kia Optima in our shop right now. Minor 1/4 panel damage.

All of us love the car. Exterior styling, interior, comfort (note: none of us has actually driven the car more than 50'). We see so many cars that normally we don't care, but we all really did like this one.

Those are the cars that impress me. The ones you don't expect to be better than they are then you get in 'em and it turns out to be something complete unexpected.

I've driven GT500's, P51's, KR's... I wasn't impressed by a one of them. They were exactly what I expected. Fast, fun, and ready to go. When you climb into a generic 4 door sedan and realize it's fast, fun, and ready to go and you weren't expecting it? Grin from ear to ear.
Hyundai def makes a very good car today. They very rarely come back with issues, Toyota also makes a great car. I would put Honda after those 2 easily, and I work on all makes everyday. The American cars are horrible, so many stupid issues its not even funny. I left Chrysler when we had more warranty then customer pay, and its gotten worse ..... My wifes company car is a 2014 grand Cherokee and its already been in for rear shocks, trans issues, radio issues and it doesn't even have 10k on the clock yet .....
my niece has an optima. nice car. not my choice, i feel clausterphobic in it. feels too tight inside. but looks like a nice well built car.
As a staunch Honda proponent in the 90's and a former Honda and Toyota service
manager and warranty administrator I must admit that times have changed.

In the most recent comprehensive comparison tests I have read the Dodge, Honda
and Toyota have all rated near the bottom. The Kia/Hyundai's were very good and
the champ, hands down was the Ford Fiesta.