


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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cobblehill b.c. canada
Took off the car cover today to move stuff around and look what was underneath. Check out the size of this thing. Anyone know anything about spiders? Perhaps what kind, never seen one like this before.
Nearest I can figure after looking on the web is it's a fullgrown female black widow. Apparently these pack the biggest punch. I just bought the cover a few days ago, I'm almost leaning towards the thought it was in the cover when I got it. Like I said never seen one that large aound here.:poke:
If you should ever want to catch a spider, it's not too hard. Wear gloves and spray it with Windex to stun it, trap it in a jar and take it someplace away from your house and release it.
I have had a lot of experience in dealing with those. As others have mentioned. It is an adult black widow. Don't get bit please!

What is it with widows and muscle cars man...Just about every old car has 'em. It can definitely be said they have good taste in cars.
I found one of those ugly things when I was moving my Valiant from where it sat for months. Definitely hideous, and now definitely dead.
Nearest I can figure after looking on the web is it's a fullgrown female black widow. Apparently these pack the biggest punch. I just bought the cover a few days ago, I'm almost leaning towards the thought it was in the cover when I got it. Like I said never seen one that large aound here.:poke:

it is a female...most males dont even look like the female and are quite smaller.

probably the reason you never seen one that big is that they try to hide where no one can find them (mostly under in or around low traffic areas)

they make egg cases on the fly if they have the sperm from the male. so they would be the same size regardless of she had em or not. and they continue to lay egg cases as they can keep the males sperm for an amount of time.

venom is 10x more potent than rattlesnake venom but she can only deliver a tiny amount since they are small and there fangs are only about 1.0mm, but pack a punch none the less.
man i hate spiters take a can of raid and toss it in the car and walk away that what i had to do with the val i had i let it set fro 2 years and omg at the spiters that was in it
Oh man, and I see this picture after I just had my hands in some dark dark untouched places on those Valiants I just pulled all the trim off. I was thinking, 'Hopefully no spiders get me', but I didn't think we had too many black widows up here. Yeesh, way to freak me out.
Oh man, and I see this picture after I just had my hands in some dark dark untouched places on those Valiants I just pulled all the trim off. I was thinking, 'Hopefully no spiders get me', but I didn't think we had too many black widows up here. Yeesh, way to freak me out.
kind of gave ya the heebe jeebes huh? me to but i just got an ideal for a new thread:cheers:
If you should ever want to catch a spider, it's not too hard. Wear gloves and spray it with Windex to stun it, trap it in a jar and take it someplace away from your house and release it.

Trap it in a jar and take it someplace away from your house and squash it!!!