Stainless Headers ?



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Jun 24, 2007
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Anybody make them, ceramic coat them?

As I'm working under my Duster, doing a trans. clutch replacement/restoration...I'm looking at my now eight year old ceramic coated headers, and I'm thinking, man do does ever look like S**t, the ceramic's is peeling off like sunburnt skin, showing off the ugly thruth of rusted metal. I spent some good $ on those a few year's ago, not to mention the labour, and now it looks like I'm going to have to do it all over again.

Is there anybody out there that makes stainless headers?

My stainless 2 1/2" exhaust still looks great, front to back.
Leanna does header coatings and gives a fabo discount. Plus the money is going to a member, Win, Win.
Thanks, Adam, I'm well aware of Leanna's coating, and withouth any dispute, I have seen some of her work, and it's second to none!

But for me to ship my headers, pay shipping, duty, brokerage fee and exchange rate, does not make it a good investment.

Basically what I'm trying to get away from, is having to have to do this every 5 years. It get's a bit spendy and time/labour intensive, if you know what I'm saying. I have a tendancy to hang-on to things, had the Duster for 23 years now.
Why would you want to coat a set of stainless headers?

16-18 gauge stainless is a real pain to weld.
Why would you want to coat a set of stainless headers?

16-18 gauge stainless is a real pain to weld.

Only because like all other steel, the stainless will dis-colour with purple hues... black, brown...The ceramic coating doesn't discolour as much.