Star adjuster missing locking plate?

And here’s the drivers side... I have a receipt for a brake job with the car... the PO got scammed!

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The self adjuster parts are missing. If you have something apart and there are broken or missing pieces you may not have much choice but to put it back together as a manual adjuster. Not the right way to do it but......................
So a quick update, I finished up doing my repairs on the front wheels. All looked great! Then I took it for a test drive and made it 100 feet before the driver's side rear brake locked up solid. Pulled it apart and found missing adjuster hardware, leaking wheel cylinder, and the brake material sheared off of the shoe. Next round of parts is on its way!!!
Here’s the nice pretty rebuilt one

And now I'm realizing, I think I used the wrong spring from the kit on the "front" shoe. Dammit. Well, it's all coming apart anyway one more time.