Still no power - story



Skate And Destroy
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Stamford, CT
I'm out in L.I., still without power after "Superstorm" Sandy wrecked the place. Went out last Monday just after 6:00 pm. Everyone around us has power, just our street remains out. Same thing happened after Irene, we were without power for six days that time. Someone is getting a letter.:protest:

There are literally hundreds of trucks out but we seem to be the forgotten few. All the big trees that fell appear to have been cleared ('cept the giant one in our front yard) so I'm having a hard time understanding why we're still out. One of my neighbors told me that a 'part' was needed for something or other and power would not be restored until at least the 10th or 11th. Seems quite insane to me. Ours seems to be a typical situation here though where there is partial power to an area. Hard to figure out exactly why.

I did see a vehicle with a taped-on LIPA sign on its window drive by our house today. It seemed to stop at every house for a second them move on. The guy driving was referring to a list of some sort. I saw him flip a page over when he was in front of our house. That's all I got though.

LIPA has been really bad about communication. You can not call and talk to a person. They had an outage map online at one point but it went down, came back up in a different and even less accurate version, then went down again. It hadn't changed for several days before it disappeared anyway.

I understand this is a difficult deal for everyone involved and those working to fix it are doing their best. However, if we could just speak to a person who could give us genuine, accurate information, we would feel a whole lot better. I mean, it sucks that we have not had power for 10 days but if we had at least an idea of when to expect it to be restored rather than relying on hearsay and rumors, we could make appropriate plans. Hell, we were even thinking of leaving town before the next storm hit us today.

So yeah, within 10 days, we were hit with a tropical storm/hurricane then a 'nor easter that dropped several inches of snow. LIPA issued a statement tonight that the storm will hinder progress and even push it back farther. They also said their priority would be to restore those who have been without power the longest. Huh. How come we weren't the priority to begin with?

I have to say, my family and I have been lucky. We are able to stay at my mom's place in the city and my brother's place in Queens, neither of which lost power. Believe me though, this situation is no great shakes either - being displaced from your home, living out of a bag being cooped up with family in a one bedroom apartment while they are trying to get on with their lives.

We are thinking of our neighbors. There is a family up the block from us who has their 90 year old mother with them who can not care for herself. Their daughter has M.S. There are several older people around us too. We have a 5 month old and a four year old, hence the reason for us heading to the city.

Both our kids go to daycare, both were still without power on Monday. They finally got power back yesterday so went back home and dropped them off while I went to go clean up a bit. The kids are completely off schedule, the baby has been fussy non stop. He was sick for over a week with an ear infection, had to go out in the storm last Monday to get antibiotic.

I myself have not been to work since Friday before last. Not sure if I still have a job at this point. Don't care really. My wife has been going to her job but I've been with the kids pretty much every day, all day. Someone shoot me.

So we stayed in our own house last night. I was able to run an extension cord to our neighbors behind us. We plugged in our fridge for a bit. We got a space heater for the bedroom and plugged that in overnight. We all bundled together in one bed. It was literally freezing inside, about 50 degrees in the house.

So today, my wife goes to work and I was trying to get back to work. I drop off the one kid and find out they are closing early due to the storm. I have the baby, and he is really fussy. I have to drive to another town about 15 min. away to drop him off. I decide to keep him with me knowing that I had go pick the boy up early. Plus, we were getting low on gas, didn't want to go back and forth twice just for a few hours. So it's me and fussy pants for the morning in a cold house.

So I stay home for a bit and made the call to pack everything up again and get ready to go back to the city. I had to sort through stuff for four people and a cat and make sure we have everything we need but nothing we don't. I've been wearing the same clothes for what seems like a month and have not showered since Monday.

So I get everything packed up and go out looking for lunch. I see that the gas line is getting shorter so I get in line. Glad I held off initially after the storm hit, could not understand why people were waiting half the day for gas. 40 minutes in line and out the door, not too bad I guess. The boy's day care calls while I'm in line, they lost power, I need to go get him. I ain't gettin' outta line now, I'm close I tell the lady. She says say OK, get here when you can.

Pick up the kid, go back to the house, finish packing everything. I'm starving, its cold, I got fussy pants on one side and the older one under foot and whining. Finally make it out the door, grab a slice of pizza and drive through a pretty bad snowstorm into the city.

Just thought I'd share that. I'm beat.
I feel for you guys out there. Saw tonight it's snowing on top of lots of power outages and more storm approaching.
Just got my power back last night. by sunday everyone around our road had power and there was no trees or wires down anymore in our area. We were thinking WTF!? Then my family called lipa a bunch of times and that night the power finally came back on!! If there is no wires down or trees screwing anything up, call lipa a bunch of times until they fix it.

I think in my situation they thought the power was fine in my area meanwhile my stretch of road was out. Calling made them aware of the issue. At least that is what I am thinking.

The gas shortage is nonsensical. Half the problem is all these morons driving around wasting their gas looking for gas when they don't need gas! I also heard a rumor that one of the big giant gas tanks was full but they couldn't distribute it to the gas stations because they had no ethanol to mix it with!! what BS is that!

Then to top it all off now we have a storm of heavy wet snow taking power out once again. These circumstances are insane!

All I can say is hang in there.
We'll be OK, been through worse. The hardest part is being displaced for so long. We all have our routines, that's all out the window. Like the old saying goes, you don't know what you have until its gone.

And again, being literally in the dark without any information is extremely frustrating. Stupid giant monopoly bureaucracy. :banghead:
Are the power lines that feed your street by the road, or are they behind your houses? Are a lot of the lines on your street torn down, or only in a few places? I'm asking these questions to try and understand what the situation may be. I work for a power company, and we have sent almost 3000 of our workers and contractors to the northeast to work. I can't imagine what kind of part would be needed that would take so long to acquire, unless it's some sort of step down or step up transformer that is used at the beginning of the line feeding your street? Did your line that runs from the pole to the side of your house get torn down? If it did, was the meter box ripped off the wall? If you see any LIPA trucks nearby, go talk to someone and ask if they can look at your street and see if they can give you an idea of when it may be fixed. More than likely, the linemen out there working are just working where their management and dispatchers are sending them. Chances are, a lot of them are young Dads having your little man with you if you get to talk to them will pull a heart string! :wink: Best of luck, and hang in there. I'll check back later.
Being displaced has to be tough. We are pretty much creatures of habit and once the routine is broken does not take long for things to go sideways. Hope they get you juice turned back on.
hang in there man i live on the water on long island dont have power back nyet we heard it could be another ten days but we are all safe and it will get better
You guys seeing any trucks with "Huntsville Utilities" on the sides? They were supposed to be working on LI. Our area sent up a bunch of trucks and some were turned back because the workers are not IBEW union. Screw that.
Hey thanks for all the kind words fellas. We're hangin' in there. Again, we are lucky to be at my mom's place in the city where we have the basic necessities and then some. But yeah, being displaced sucks pretty bad, we're frazzled, fried and worn out. At least grandma gets QT with her grand kids which shes always bugging us about. Filled that quota for a while.

JDMopar, not sure what 'part' they were looking for, was just regurgitating what my neighbor lady told me, I really have no idea. We did in fact have several transformers go down in a blaze of glory at the height of the storm. There was one a block and half from us that really blew up good, the whole sky was red. There were some others I saw too but they 'only' produced a bright blue flash. I agree that the crews probably have limited info to give out. I saw a bunch of trucks awaiting dispatch at a nearby playground. I thought about getting out and asking questions but I had stuff to take care of.

Airwoofer, I did see several trucks from Alabama. Not sure if they were from your area but there are so many out of state trucks, its kind of tough to know where they're all from. I think everyone on L.I. is appreciative of their efforts wherever they're from.

69 fastback, hang in there yourself. You guys had it way worse, you were under friggin' water down there. Now with the snow already...

Thanks again for reading gang. Will keep everyone updated, hope we can go home soon.
I hope you can go home soon rmchrgr, this storm was a bad one and I am happy to see you on line and your family is safe.
Our prayers are with you and all the folks that are having there life being turned upside down and not have there own beds to rest in. Stay strong for your family and the folks around you (I am sure you are) they will need a strong wise shoulder for quite a while.
We have many linesman over there and one is from Bono Arkansas my family and I know.
I have seen the news and it breaks my hart at all the damage and death I see.
I don't have any words that can help I am sure but I do have my prayers for this to be behide you all soon.
rmchrgr, I can run some 12/3 Romex from your neighbors house and we can get your heat up and running.

I tied the oil burner heat into a generator for a friend in Seaford.

My parents still have no power, LIPA told them not to have company for Thanksgiving. They are staying at my house.

I was running off a generator upto Friday.

As far as the union issues, NY is a right to work state and there are union and non-union working side by side. There are still 236,708 LIPA customers without power, we need all the help we can get.
We fed the guys from Quebec Power at our firehouse,...god bless these guys, most of us up in 5 days,...heard that they're headed to Long Island this morning...
Power finally came back today! What a relief, going on two weeks. Just got back to my house a little while ago, nice to be back home.

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern and took the time to read. I just needed to relate my story.

To anyone that still does not have power, hang in there! There are many still out there who have/had it a lot worse than us, people that lost everything. We're thinking of them.

Perhaps this latest nature-induced debacle will get our wonderful leaders to start thinking about a large scale WPA-type project in this part of the country - we clearly need get our power lines underground or at least modernized/updated to a point where we're not crippled for two weeks every time the wind blows a little harder.

We now return you back to our regularly scheduled program.