Stolen M code Dart

Thats not the first Dart to be found on the reserve. You were very lucky, as my step-brothers was found stripped, and burned there.
They found the car......

I started reading this thread and I had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.... Way back when I was 17 I had a `69 Notchback stolen from in front of my house. I was BEYOND pissed for most of the summer. And it was a bottom-feeder 318 car with a ton of bondo.

I'm sooooo happy to hear it was recovered. In the lottery of life, we have a winner. Take a bow...
I bet that sick feeling in the pit of the owners stomach is starting to feel a lot better. As some have stated, a god ploy by theives to leave the truck and trailer on the reserve to throw off authorities; or a stupid moveby some not too bright local thieves... and the winner is the stupid ones Glad to ear all has ended well. 340butterduster better keep yur ride under lock and key you never know who is lurking around. Still strange how they seemed to know what was in the trailer!
Very lucky. Around here they steal the get where they have to go and then burn them.
Those damn thieves really did a number on the paint.

Seriously: I hope they find the car and those responsible before it either leaves the country or gets stripped down. The odds aren't good unless they are your typical "dumb-***" thieves. Yes, it could be an inside job but it could also be some lucky garden variety thieves that came a cross an enclosed car hauler and boosted it to see what was inside.

Ok, what's my prize for guessing it was some "dumbass garden variety thieves" who wanted to see what was inside a car hauler?

I am glad it has been recovered. I'm sure not as glad as the car's owner but glad all the same.
I'm in the area, my neighbour is an OPP, I will pass the picture along. The car will turn up, its just a matter of when. I had a 65 396 vette ripped off, it surfaced 6 months later at the Toronto auto auction!!
A neighbor of mine works for a heavy equipment co (Ames Construction). Last summer he went to work on Mon. and discovered a truck and trailer was stolen. Fortunitly it was GPS'ed and it was going south on I-25 south of Denver. The police pulled it over w/ a 82 vette (stolen) on the trailer. The driver was one of our "brothers" south of the border w/ no drivers license or insurance (of course). They let him walk (literally), no arrest or charges. Welcome to Colorado.

You or I would still be in jail.
Great to hear it's been found!

In 1989 someone stole the entire 6-pack intake off of my 70 Charger R/T while the car sat in front of my apartment. I went to take a cruise on the weekend and was wondering why it wouldn't start. Popped the hood and imagine my surprise when I'm staring at the intake ports!
In 1989 someone stole the entire 6-pack intake off of my 70 Charger R/T while the car sat in front of my apartment........

That took brass balls. Just think, with a crossbow you could have picked the bastard off and no one would have heard a thing.... except for the sound of wrenches being dropped.

Side note: 3 years ago the wheels were stolen off of my Mother-in-Law's Acura RIGHT IN FRONT of her house. Under a street light. Just off the corner of a busy intersection. She found the car the next morning balanced on 2 bricks and a flower pot.... wheels gone.
Like the guy in Pulp Fiction said - "It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."
Like the guy in Pulp Fiction said - "It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."

That was a great one....he said that after somebody keyed his Malibu ragtop.

Glad they found the Dart, usually in northern Minnesota on the reservations, the cars are usually beat to death, stripped, or burned after they are stolen!
Why an “Indian reservation”?
Strikes me as strange.

wouldn't dumping it on an indian reservation also frustrate the investigation by giving the tribal police jurisdiction on the recovered evidence? (truck)

I'm glad it was found intact, and i hope thier reward offer also included provisions for info leading to the arrest and conviction of the perps as well as recovery of the car. Doug
It was a few years ago here that A racer racing in miramichi lot his truck trailer and car fom he hotel parking lot where he was staying. To my knowledge never found. Imagine waking up sunay morning to go race and it is all gone. That would suck beyond belief!
After that crap about the 13th Hemi 'Cuda convertible, should we look in France for a unknown M code Dart?
Kevin has the car at home now. It seemed to make it through being stolen without any damage.
Pretty scary situation as he paid for the car upfront and part of the deal was it being delivered to Woodstock.
That was gonna open a big can of worms if the car was gone forever and the whole deal sure did have a certain smell to it.

I guess the main thing is that he got the car back!

Brings up a good question as to when you put insurance coverage on a car, when you pay for it or when you pick it up/it gets delivered

Thanks to all!

glad they got it back in one piece. I had a 2002 yamaha R1 stolen out of my front yard during broad daylight. I pulled up to the house, got in the shower, and when I got out it was gone. Takes balls since they had 30-35 minutes at the most.
Glad they found the car.

That took brass balls. Just think, with a crossbow you could have picked the bastard off and no one would have heard a thing.... except for the sound of wrenches being dropped

Thanks for the visual Fastback. LOL!
My good friend told me the whole story. The car was recovered with only a few scratches, It seems an indian lady somehow found out about the $5000.00 reward for the return of the car,hmmm, anyway car was found in ditch on reserve ,very lucky to even get that one back.Car was sold through xv motorsports,associated with Sean Hyland of woodstock ontario.They at first thought a rod went through the block but they started it up and it ran fine.Fairly good ending to a sad start.