Stolen Wagon Pictures

Too Bad there are Bottom Feeders in the world!, Hope you can restore it!!
A real's fixable but it might be better to get another wagon and transfer all your goodies over to it. I've seen a few other wagons for sale here in SoCal so if you're patient, you may find a good one to build. If you decide to fix it, let us know what you need.
The body is so twisted it is not worth it could not open the back gate. the roof has a big twist in it.
One thing that you have going for you is the "before" photos that may be helpful as far as your insurance company goes.If you have any documentation on the build,parts,and so forth it may be valuable for you to present it to them. A friend had a 66 Coronet stolen from a shopping center parking lot where he worked. The car was burnt beyond repair and the insurance company offered $1600.00. After showing pictures and receipts for all the work and parts, he ended up with over $10,000.00 No special insurance just your everyday stuff. It may be worth a try.
I am very sorry Earl, damn what a shame. Looks like you may need to hold on to your 66 after all... Either way good luck to you and I hope they catch the low life SOBs that did this. Take care and keep us posted.
sorry about your loss. i'm dealing with a hit and run right now on my front end. did the tow company steal the trim rings and tach already , or did you pop them off?
Damn, I did not want to see the broken pic.
A little advice in dealing with your insurance.
Give them every reciept.
I lost a bike that I bought new (fire not theft)
The bike had plenty options but the insurance company only wanted to give low book.
I showed them reciepts on the stuff I added (I had every one).
They ended up giving me more than than $2000.00 than their original offer.

A second thing is did you have the car apprased?
My uncle's 63 ford (nice) was rear ended by a 70 year old man.
His insurance said that the car was totaled.
He said ok.
They said $1500.00
My uncle handed them an appraisal for $32,000 (yes the car was worth that).
The car is now fixed and still drives nice with a little nicer chrome.

Insurance companys are ***.
But the theif needs a good public hanging.
sorry about your loss. i'm dealing with a hit and run right now on my front end. did the tow company steal the trim rings and tach already , or did you pop them off?

No I think they pop off and I think they stol the tach bastards
That is a crying shame.

I would probably "go medieval" if I ever found the culprit.
Shitty deal. Hope the car was appraised. I hate dealing with insurance companies.
Still waiting for the Police report before the insurance will deal with me. They have to get a report to make sure the wagon was stolen I guest. Never had this happen before. Its the *****