Stop in for a cup of coffee

Some people have lives outside of FABO. Who knew? :rofl:
I just heard a loud thump...

It sounded like it's just outside my room... I looked out the window and don't see anything...

I'm thinking a tree branch fell....
I just heard a loud thump...

It sounded like it's just outside my room... I looked out the window and don't see anything...

I'm thinking a tree branch fell....

When we first started living in this house I used to hear a thunk like that, thought it was branches from some too close fir trees. Ended up it was the septic relay which is mounted on the end of house, quite a thunk when the pumps start. Couldn't figure it out for awhile.
Guess I should start figuring out what to do today. ...AND tomorrow. Using up a couple vaca days tomorrow and next Monday. So I work Saturdays for OT and still get 2 day weekends :thumbsup:
When I was in Navy I used to work on some equipment that had a circuit board with a string of relays that would have one eventually fail. They all looked shorted (like 15) so we used a miliohmeter, would probe down the bank until we found the lowest reading then removed/changed that relay, worked great.
Guess I should start figuring out what to do today. ...AND tomorrow. Using up a couple vaca days tomorrow and next Monday. So I work Saturdays for OT and still get 2 day weekends :thumbsup:
As a matter of fact just looked at Calander- Next full work week in my schedule is the second week of January.